
Crockpot Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wrap Recipe

-Boneless skinless chicken breasts
-Low sodium chicken broth
-1 minced garlic clove
-1 chopped onion
-1/2 cup hot sauce (ie: Franks, Sriracha – look for low sodium options)
-Lettuce leaves

-Place boneless, skinless chicken breasts in crockpot, using any amount you want; I typically use 4-5 chicken breasts, which are each around 5 oz a piece
-Add broth so that the chicken breasts are completely or mostly covered; if you run out of broth, add some water
-Mince one garlic clove and chop one onion then add both to the crockpot
-Cook on high for ~4 hours
-Remove chicken from crockpot, allow to cool, and shred chicken with a fork
-Add chicken, 1/2 cup of broth (may use from original), and 1/2 cup hot sauce to the crockpot
-Cook on low for ~30 min
-Remove chicken and top on lettuce leaves with desired toppings (ie: crumbled blue cheese) or as is

NOTE: If using Sriracha (my preference for a lower sodium, healthier sauce), use slightly less that 1/2 cup and use water to make up for the difference to achieve a more liquid-like consistency

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  1. CheapRunnerMichelle

    Yummy…this sounds super easy – and I can't wait to try it!

  2. twistmefit

    I just started a new blog about fitness, recipes, and beauty – check it out! Trying to get more readership. 🙂 http://twistmefit.com


  3. Kim

    Yummy!! Thanks for the recipe 😀

  4. Andrea Whiteley

    you're putting your cooked chicken back in the raw chicken juices? hmm

  5. Anonymous

    How many calories and how much is a serving? Just wanting to put this in my fitness app and keep track. 🙂

  6. Anonymous

    Thus looks great! Making it fir dinner tonight! Andrea… if the chicken is cooked in the broth the broth is fine. No raw juices…

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