
Breakfast Burrito Recipe

If you’re anything like me, you need a breakfast that is tasty, quick, and simple. I cannot stress the importance of a healthy breakfast. Many individuals overlook breakfast completely either due to a busy schedule in the morning or because they “aren’t breakfast people.” Well, you need to become one and make time for a 5min breakfast even if it requires refraining from snoozing that alarm. Why? Breakfast is the first meal you ingest since going without food over the night. Your breakfast meal kickstarts your metabolism for the day, curbing cravings and igniting the fat burning process. 
So, what to have? I like eggs, but I don’t love them; I try to find tasty ways to incorporate protein-packed eggs into my breakfast. Keep in mind, protein is an essential macronutrient in any breakfast meal! Lately, I’ve been loving breakfast burritos! They’re great because they’re easy, yet, they can be easily manipulated to have several different tastes depending upon what you add in!
-egg whites (I use 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg)
-brown rice tortilla
-uncured, no nitrate added turkey bacon
-Scramble eggs in a pan, adding in optional veggies
-Cook turkey bacon on medium heat for a few minutes on each side
-Mash avocado on wrap if desiered
-Add eggs & turkey bacon to wrap
-Add pepper or other seasonings to taste
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  1. Nathalia

    Hi Lauren I just bought your ebook Fit for Life and I'm so excited to start working out and learning to eat healthy. For this recipe do you use 3 egg whites and 1 whole egg or is it 3 egg whites or 1 egg?

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