
ConfidenceKini – Legs + Glutes Workout (W1D1)

YAY to the first day of the ConfidenceKini Challenge! Let me just give you a quick run down as a refresher for those who have been with me for awhile and as an overview if you’re new here.

So, every year, I host seasonal fitness challenges. The ConfidenceKini Challenge goes on every spring and it consists of 5 weeks of daily workouts, meals, informational blog posts and so much more! Every challenge has a slightly different style; for this challenge, you can expect 30 minute-ish workouts. They’re quick-paced ans sweaty… think weighted circuits! Plus, there’s an ab focus. Do you have the AB PLAN yet? If not, I highly recommend it! They’re super quick yet effective workouts to sculpt the core!
Every challenge has a free version and a premium challenge pack which you can get for what I think is a super affordable price if you want premium features and extras like workouts ahead of time, the new ab plan and to be eligible for fun giveaways like weekly sneakers.
Premium Challenge Pack-ers already have the week of workouts (via the access links). If you’re following the free version, you’ll just want to swing by here (LaurenGleisberg.com) every AM for your workout.
I also post a fun photo challenge of the day here too! Plus, Monday-Friday, be sure you check out the daily blog post. I post on relevant and helpful topics from the best exercises for abs, glutes, etc. to supplement guides and products I find helpful.
I think that’s it?! Here is your weighted workout of the day. If you haven’t already, I HIGHLY suggest you check out my Meal Plan – it’s not a restrictive, low-cal type of thing. It’s a very sustainable and enjoyable way to eat healthy. Nutrition plays a key role in results so by combining that with these workouts, you’ll definitely hit some goals!
Thank you for joining in. I am super grateful for each person who puts her trust in me during the challenges and I do my absolute best to help you look great and more importantly feel great!
Always here for you!
lauren gleisberg confidencekini challeng schedule

CHALLENGE MANTRA: share your challenge mantra/motivational quote. We all have quotes that inspire us but I challenge you to go one step further and find a quote or mantra that really speaks to the reason why you like a healthy lifestyle or decided to participate in this challenge. Share more about that! Upload your photo to Instagram and hashtag #LGTeamKini and #LGAccountability tag me @laurengleisberg so I can be sure to see it too!
My MUST READ BLOG POST GUIDE! I narrowed down the top 7 blog posts I think you musttttt read to get you going on a healthy path and you can see those in today’s blog post!
lauren gleisberg woman flexing muscle

Join in the challenge! It’s not too late!

The ConfidenceKini Challenge is 5 week fitness, food and lifestyle challenge. This spring challenge will help you shed weight and fat, gain muscle, see definition and most importantly, feel confident in your skin! The Challenge begins Monday, April 23rd!

about confidencekini challenge lauren gleisberg

Take your challenge experience and results to the next level with these premium challenge features and exclusives! They’re for the girl who is serious about results inside and out: seeing muscle definition and shedding fat.

It’s the only way to get the brand new AB PLAN!



Premium Challenge Bundle (includes Ab Plan + Meal Plan)

$60 $50



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