
30×30 Countdown Workout Challenge: Day 2

30x30 fat loss shred

Day 2… today we will focus more on upper body and abs which is a good rest for the lower body. How are you loving these workouts? Intense. Effective. Yet, done before you know it. My favorite! Also, be sure you read below for a food challenge update.

WHAT IS 30X30?
30×30 Fat Loss Shred is the name of one of my most popular workout programs. It is a unique training approach consisting of weights, cardio, bodyweight resistance, plyometrics, abs and more with 2 main goals… 1) shed body fat and 2) increase lean muscle definition. It is the ultimate “switch up” plan perfect for pushing through a plateau or amping up physical results. 30 minute workouts for 30 days – can be completed at home OR in the gym.
This countdown workout challenge features workouts similar in style to those that will be in the 30×30 Plan. It’s a little preview for you. The actual plan will go live on January 13th (be sure you leave you name and email below because you will be getting a discount for partaking in this countdown week?



30x30 fat loss shred sample upper body workout

This is how you’ll receive an exclusive discount for the new 30×30 plan at the end of this week challenge AND become eligible for the amazing $1000 cash giveaway!

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On Sunday, there are 2 plans launching:
1) 30×30 Fat Loss Shred 3.0 Workout Plan
2) 5 Week Food Plan
…you can opt to do just the workouts, just the food or both (which I HIGHLY recommend!)
ALSO, many of you are going to be following my Intermittent Fasting Guide alongside this food challenge, so I want to prepare you and instruct you on step 2.
STEP 1 (last week): I want you to cut out 1 hour this week. I suggest splitting it between your start and stop times. Instead of having your first meal at 7:30 AM, enjoy breakfast at 8 AM. And, instead of an evening snack at 9 PM, have it at 8:30 PM. You could also choose to push back breakfast by an hour or up your snack by an hour… whatever you decide.
Bottom line for those who want to try out Intermittent Fasting, let’s transition this week by shaving off an hour. Don’t change what you eat. Just change that start and stop time.
STEP 2 (this week): shave off an additional hour this week. Just like last week, you can do an hour in the AM or an hour in the PM. OR, you can split it up 30 minutes in the AM and 30 minutes in the PM. Continue the transition.



Bottom line… this plan works. See my progress as Jess who I interviewed about how 30×30 helped her make amazing gains.


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