
Why To Never Give Up On Your Dream & To Always Listen To Your Heart: My Story

My Story:
Today, I was supposed to begin my first day of dental school, but instead, I’m writing this blog post. Why? Well, I made one of the most challenging, yet exhilarating decisions of my life. I withdrew my admission to the University of Texas’s School of Dentistry DDS program. My entire life has been about hard work and achievement. It’s been a path based entirely on the norms of society: formal education followed by a 9-5/40+ hour work week job. I’ve always known that’s not the lifestyle I dreamed of; I wanted something different.

So, I’ve decided to go for…to go for my dreams… to continue to use this blog and the associated business as a platform to inspire and empower others to look better, feel better, and lead fuller, happier, more confident lives. A recent gallup pole found only 13% of individuals feel engaged in their work. I am beyond grateful to have found a way to live a crazy cool life that is engaging, fulfilling, and brings me great happiness all by doing “work” that fills me with energy and excitement!

My decision is a commitment to two things: my passion/purpose and my dream lifestyle. I encourage you all to read this article that my mom has shared with me over the years. I found it to be incredibly insightful as the things individuals regret in their last moments of life are things we can actively change now. It forced me to make two lists 1) my priorities and 2) my goals. Then, I looked to see if my goals were in alignment with my priorities. Unfortunately, the goals that pertained to dentistry took me in a different direction than my priorities.

Ultimately, my decision was a conflict between my heart and my head. My head told me dentistry is a safe and secure career path, but my heart was saying, “Lauren, you’ve always wanted to be your own boss, set your own schedule, be able to spend more time with your family, and most importantly, your blog (helping others) is what you love.” So, I went for it! It’s been the best decision I made thus far; the peace in my heart and excitement that flows within me confirms this every day.

Why YOU Should Go For YOUR Dreams:
As you’re reading my story, I know there may be a few things popping up in your mind: your passion for music, your want to begin a career in health and fitness, your college major that doesn’t reflect your passion, your desire to leave your corporate job for one more fulfilling, etc. The first step to reaching your goals is actually acknowledging what it is you want! It’s harder than it seems…it’s scary to speak some of those words out loud. From someone who took the leap of faith recently, I cannot express how amazing life is when you begin creating exactly what you want. It takes action, patience, and determination, but a life of passion and purpose is a life you will never regret!

The Rebirth of my Blog:
Of course, this means my blog will be revamped to provide you with everything you want and more.

What you can expect to see from me within the next year:
-More free content
-New programs
-More recipes
-Motivation & incentives
-Online support community
-Goal coaching
-One on one assistance
-Busniess related tips
-Advice on how to begin a career in health and fitness
-so much more
…I hope you’re as excited as I am 🙂

I hope to be your go-to resource for realistic health goals, fun fitness, and relatable motivation.
A little bit more motivation
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  1. Ashley {The North Carolina Cowgirl}

    That is awesome! Way to go following your heart and dreams. I wish I had done that myself. Instead of following my heart and pursuing a job in something I really enjoy I went the safe route and got my business degree. Now I work the 9-5 job and absolutely hate it. I know and I FEEL like I'm not doing what I'm suppose to be doing. I want to make a change but have no idea where to start. Hopefully one of these days I'll get it figured out. Can't wait to see what changes you'll have to the blog! 🙂

    • Fitness Barbie

      Thank you for your kind words! I am SURE you will end up doing what you love. After feeling so empowered by making the decision for myself, it has become my new mission to help others do the same, so hopefully I will be able to help you some way some how in the future.


  2. Nienke Rusch

    I am really happy for you and I hope this will make you happy! I am really curious to all the changes from your blog and new articles this year!
    I am planning to buy one of your ebooks but I just can't decide which one… (I don't really now my personal goals, while I do lift weights 5 times a week and play hockey 3 times a week)
    You are really inspiring to me! I still have a long way to go before I will have to make those kind of choices but seeing someone who follows her heart is really inspiring!
    I can't wait to hear more from you and your new blog articles!

    • Fitness Barbie

      I appreciate your sweet comment! I too am very excited to add all sorts of stuff to my blog in order to help serve others better. You cannot go wrong with the ebooks; hopefully one of the descriptions will speak to you – total body transformation is my guess 🙂 How cool that you play hockey! I'm glad I can be of any inspiration to you!


  3. Olivia

    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Lauren!! It is so inspiring 🙂 I can actually relate very well to it – with the exception that I have never thought about what I really want to do 🙁 After having studied for almost ten years (now having a bachelor's degree in pedagogy and a master's degree in English language and literature), I have now realized that I am actually interested in health, nutrition, fitness, fashion and so on. Of course, I would do things completely differently if I had the chance to start over again… But well, it's not too late – I'm 31 now. Hope I soon find the right path for me 🙂 Anyways, I am so happy for you and congratulate you on your decision 🙂 🙂 It's so good to hear that you follow your heart and passion. I really appreciate your work!! Greetings from Austria, Europe 🙂 All the best, Olivia

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Olivia,
      Thank you for those king, supportive words. First off, how cool that you're from Austria. Secondly, you're so right…it's never to late. I think it's all about timing and when/how you can make that transition happen. Based on how I feel right now, you will not regret going with what you love. Hope I can be of some help in the future regarding this!


  4. Krissy

    Thank you for sharing! I've been following your blog silently for a while. I teach group fitness on the side of my "main" job, and lately my priorities have been flipping and I've been thinking about changing careers and making fitness a full time career. It's really encouraging to hear that someone my age and in a similar position is actually making it happen. Thank you!

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Krissy,
      I appreciate you taking the time to comment. How cool – what classes do you teach?? Health and fitness is a field that seems scary in terms of creating a career within (or at least it was for me), but I hope to help others do just that! Best of luck with everything!


  5. Rachel

    Congrats on your decision Lauren! I have not doubt that following your passion will bring you so much success and happiness! I'm in a similar situation and reading your post was really motivational….keep on inspiring your readers!

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Rachel,
      Thank you for your comment and encouraging words. I hope that you too follow your heart – it's a road that leads to infinite happiness and fulfillment! Keep in touch!


  6. Elizabeth Ciummo

    I also have been following your blog for a while, bought some of your ebooks and have admired the work that you do. I would like to commend you for your decision to follow your happiness and gut. I have been a physical therapist for more than five years. I do like my job, but something in the health care (and dental) industry is changing, and i'm finding myself extremely exhausted doing other things besides treating patients. If you can help change people's lives for the positive without spending most of your time justifying your treatment and knowledge to insurance companies… the more power to you! Also, I would like to tell you that you are extremely knowledgeable in the human body! Keep up what you are doing and you'll have plenty of success and happiness in your life

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Elizabeth,
      Thank you so much for that insightful comment and for your support. I totally see your point, and found that out for myself when I worked as a pharmacy tech. My, oh my! I wish you nothing but happiness and satisfaction in all that you do!


  7. Amanda Timcoe

    I'm so happy for you and me! Haha I'm currently doing your 30×30 fat loss shred and I'm loving how I can do it in just 30 min a day. But I was just thinking today what I will do when the 30 days is over. I hope you continue long into the future! I'll need it! Haha Congrats!

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Amanda,
      Thank you very much! Hehe – I'm sure I will have something to help you continue sweating and eating right 🙂 Keep up the hard work!


  8. snapcracklewatch

    Hi Lauren! I always read your blog but I have never commented! Great post I went through the same thing in my 20's. I am 34 right now.I did all the schooling and everything needed to become an English/Writing professor and yeah I am not teaching right now because I didn't want it as much as I thought I did. I have a regular day job but I blog on the side too and wish I had done this earlier.

    Life is too short to not being doing what you love! Yes being a dentist sounds great on paper, but from an everyday perspective you will probably always wish you had done what you decided to do today. Nice! I have been following one of your workouts of the week that I bought and boy have I been sore. I love it and I check your site everyday to see what new tips you have. I have been an avid reader of all things fitness and I have a hard time nowadays finding new interesting stuff on working out. It seems like every mag and every bodybuilding.com article is the same rehashed crap. Nice to see a perspective from a normal chick who is buff, has a great attitude and seems like a normal girly-girl. Love it, keep up the good work and I will keep on checking your blog. –Melissa

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Melissa,
      Thank you for this comment! It's great to hear others who found themselves in a situation they weren't loving and they actually did something about it! I also love hearing you're a fellow blogger – what is your blog? I would love to check it out! I could not agree with you more, and I really appreciate all your kind words. I'm so happy you enjoy my blog!


    • snapcracklewatch

      Awesome nice to hear from you Lauren and nice that you comment back. That is always great. Not sure if you click on my name if it takes you to my blog, but feel free to check it out. It's the opposite of working out… lol… it's a movie and tv blog. 🙂 http://snapcracklewatch.wordpress.com/

      If you need a suggestion on what to watch instead of working out. There ya go! Look forward to seeing new stuff on your blog. Ps… you should do a section on injuries, or working out when your sore, etc… I need that badly. 🙂

  9. Majenta555

    Congratulations Lauren!
    Good on you for not only pursuing your dreams and passion, but also for choosing a path which will allow you to contribute so effectively to society. No doubt it was a difficult decision to make, but considering the hard work, diligence and dedication you show for everything you do, it will most likely be a great success.
    Thank you for providing such an interesting, informative and encouraging blog. It is so refreshing to come across someone who doesn't simply keep posting pics of their rear end and boobs in spandex and tell you to use a million supplements to get the body you want. That and the fact that you are articulate and can write eloquently about having a healthy mind, body and spirit make this a blog that people keep coming back to regularly.
    I look forward to your blog's revamp and all the exciting things in store.

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Anushka,
      Thank you for those kind words – it really means a lot to me! It was quite a difficult decision, but worth it! Each morning, I wake up with an incredible zest for life and my work. I'm so glad you like what I do 🙂


    • Majenta555

      See – that there in itself is far more than what most people in this world today can say about how they feel when they wake up in the morning! 😉

  10. Alex

    Congratulations, love this news! I've been struggling with thoughts along the same lines myself, but I reach a block when I realise that I don't have any official qualifications in nutrition or fitness, and I realistically don't have the money to spend on getting them right now. So I'm really not sure what to do, I feel like money shouldn't be in the way of me pursuing my passions… but of course in the real world it is.

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Alex,
      Thank you! It seems there are so many of us faced with this tough decision between following your passion then figuring out a way to make it a career or simply getting a job to pay the bills and leaving your passion a hobby. No offense to any of those certifications, but you can do whatever the heck you want. One of my favorite educational quotes is, "formal education can make you a living. Self education can make you a fortune." The Internet is an incredible tool for you to use, and let's face it…I'm not the most knowledgeable, but I share what I can, I learn along the way, and I know it's all about the journey. Struggles are real and relatable! Go for it!! I know you can do it!


  11. Rachel K

    Hi! I've also been a silent reader of your blog for a little while and I just had to chime in here as I've just gone through the same thing. I just turned 30 and leading up in the months before my birthday I couldn't stop thinking about how I couldn't go another decade in the same stupid career where I am "safe". I have liked feeling safe and having the money that comes with it, but I'm SO unhappy with my job that it's just not worth it anymore. When I thought about what I really wanted to do with my life, I realized fitness and nutrition have always been my hobbies…in my free time I work out or research new exercises, etc … I decided to find a way to put myself through a personal trainer school near me (won't be easy with a husband and 3 year old) and go from there. Good luck to you!!

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Rachel,
      Thank you for sharing your story! Let's start with a big WOOOHOOO – you are already a rockstar for taking that huge step to leave a situation for something greater! Nothing worth having comes easy, and I'm sure the fulfillment and satisfaction of doing what you love will be well worth it!

      Keep in touch! I would love to hear how everything goes – best of luck!


  12. Alison Manley

    Congratulations lady!! I'm looking forward to the day when I can do that myself with my fitness business!! 🙂

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Alison,
      Thank you! Yayyy, so exciting and so much room for everyone to create their own careers and businesses in health and fitness. I hope to be able to help you all do so!


  13. Anonymous

    Awesome! Being truly RICH doesn't involve money or items, it's living a fulfilling life. We spend the majority of our days at work so that should be a place we enjoy (minus the occasional bad day)and can help others. It's not about the money it knowing that at the end of the day you made a difference.

    • Fitness Barbie

      I couldn't agree more. Living a wealthy life has little to do with money and everything to do with happiness, fulfillment and love! AND it all starts within us!


  14. Anonymous

    Awesome, Lauren! It's so obvious to all of us (your readers) that fitness and helping other reach their goals is what your REALLY passionate about! Way to pursue your dreams; with such a great platform already… I'm sure that this will only become more profitable for you in the future! 🙂

    • Fitness Barbie

      Thank you for the kind comment. You're right…it's what I'm truly passionate about. I look at it as what I LOVE, while dentistry was something I really liked….there is a difference between like and love, and I'm so happy I made the decision. I appreciate your support more than you know!


  15. Carissa


    Congratulations on taking the leap! You are so much more than an inspiration. You are a motivator and an achiever with such a positive outlook on life. Too many times in life are we lead away from our dreams to begin the dreaded walk toward a life which society is choosing for us. I was one of those people until about two years ago when my daughter blessed our world. Since then I have turned the other cheek toward that person I once was, the career oriented member of the US military, and embraced the life of a stay at home mom learning how to mesh my goals with my priorities. I want to show my daughter how to be happy and healthy both physically and mentally and that's where you have stepped in. I thought I'd go on to veterinary school after I separated from the military because society expects me to have a "real" job and that would be the only way to support my family. The more I thought about the sacrifice that I would be making, especially the time that that goal would take away from my daughter, I had to start seriously reconsidering whether the high paying job would be worth it. I had to start asking what my family would get out of it. The answers just were not there. Instead, I've focused on how to reach the goals that I've set for my daughter. I've gotten involved in wellness and fitness to educate myself and show my daughter how she too can be healthy and well, how to grow into a strong and confident women. You've inspired me to not stop with myself or with her but to share this way of life with many. I can only hope that you will continue to help me build a career centered this way like that one you have built yourself.

    I wish you the best of luck and thank you!

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Carissa,
      I am so incredibly happy and thankful you left that beautiful comment. I am only 23, so having children is not something in the front of my mind, but it was actually part of my decision. Growing up, my parents both worked, but fortunately, both had great flexibility and were there every day to take my sister and I to school, pick us up, or stop by during the day if we forgot lunch money, gym shoes, etc. I look back and think I was so grateful for that, and it something I wanted to be a priority for when I am a mom. I am sure it will make an incredible difference in your daughter's life. The up side is also that there IS a way to make an incredible living by working from home or running your own business that is created on your terms, and you seem like someone who will make that happen! It's actually something I'm working on teaching to others as I feel very grateful to have been able to monetize my blog, and I want others to live this life by design. I hope you continue to share your story and keep being an amazing role model to your baby girl and other!


  16. Jennifer

    I just want to say how glad I am that I found your blog (thank God for Instagram). I really love and appreciate the fact that you make your ebooks and weekly plans so affordable! I have looked at countless plans online that are just so expensive and not realistic for my budget and I think it's great that you offer such affordable plans and even free stuff. I'm looking forward to trying one of your weekly plans and the 30×30 ebook. Again, thanks for offering such a great blog <3

  17. Diana Waters

    Maybe someone asked already, what is the article title your mom had you read? The link sent to website only

  18. Jeremiah97

    Nicely written – Great information. Thanks for sharing it with us. Please also visit my Dentist Texas page and let me know what you think.

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