
Upper Body Circuit – 7/22

Upper Body Circuit:
-assisted pull ups
-wide grip cable lat pull downs (using handle attachments)
-1min cardio (jump rope, jumping jacks, jogging in place, etc.)

-incline dumbbell bicep curls
-barbell curls
-1min cardio (jump rope, jumping jacks, jogging in place, etc.)

-flat bench dumbbell chest press
-incline push ups (hands on bench)
-1min cardio (jump rope, jumping jacks, jogging in place, etc.)

-cable rope extensions
-triangle push ups
-1min cardio (jump rope, jumping jacks, jogging in place, etc.)

-barbell shoulder press
-dumbbell side lateral raises
-1min cardio (jump rope, jumping jacks, jogging in place, etc.)

TIP OF THE DAY: I’ve been receiving lots of great feedback regarding my arm circuits. I’ve become quite the circuit training queen, and I love that you all are enjoying them too. Total body circuits or total body workouts are quite common, especially when training with a personal trainer (if they only see you a few times per week, they squeeze it all in during one workout). However, looking at fitness on a deeper level, you must understand that “results” come from muscle breakdown (achieved through weight lifting), then given proper recovery and rest (protein filled diet and plenty of sleep), these muscles build back up, equating to a fit look. However, you must ensure that you are actually breaking down your muscles; unfortunately, most total body workouts do not target each muscle group deeply enough to yield these results. Therefore, be sure you really push yourself with reps and weight when doing a workout like the one today to promote deep muscle stimulation.

Last workout at my Wisconsin gym today! This chick is Texas bound tomorrow, so I targetted the whole upper body today
Fitness Barbie Gym Style:
Top: Forever21
Shorts: Nike Pro Combat
Hat: Nike
Daily Dose of Motivation: There
will be many people in your life who will try to bring you down and eat
at your confidence. Rise above. Choose happiness. Rude, unkind, hateful
people show through their words and actions just how unhappy they truly
are. And you, just enjoy living your happy, wonderful life.
Eat Clean Get Lean: I told you that you can make eating out work for you. Here’s an example of one of my meals out. Cheesecake factory: ordered a side garden salad with a light gluten free dressing on the side and grilled salmon with sides of broccoli and mashed potatoes. Always specify cooking instructions!
Good for is always more enjoyable with good company.
One of my sweetest friends.
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  1. sellychan

    Hey Lauren! I was curious as to how you maneuver through your circuit trainings in the gym. For example, I tried to do your chest and triceps circuits from Tank Top Arms, but I had to go back and forth between the entire gym almost 8 times to complete the circuit. Do you do each group of exercise 3 times before moving on to the next, or what? Any tips? 🙂

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