Serving up another super simple dinner recipe. In our house, we call this recipe “sketti” and everyone (from my husband to my 1 1/2 year old and even myself) go back for seconds. This healthy simple spaghetti dinner recipe is one that I know will become part of your regular meal rotation.
1. How many sets of silverware do you have?! I told you this was a random thought list lol. When we were eating this sketti dinner, I realized we are almost always out of forks. I think we have 8 small, 8 large forks and we run our dishwasher every other day. It’s pretty much just my husband and I, but I think I need to buy some more.
2. I am in a huge spring cleaning mindset at the moment. I want to completely declutter and I feel like donating everything I don’t use on a regular basis. The majority of what I would be donating is still great stuff and I want it to have a nice home to go to… I am trying to find the best place to donate. Any ideas?!
3. Speaking of spring, each morning I’ve taken my son to school this week, there has been a windchill of 20-something degrees IN HOUSTON, TEXAS! I grew up in Wisconsin so I am no stranger to the cold and I actually like when it’s chilly in Texas (it’s a nice change from the heat and humidity). However, I am ready for sunshine and warmth. I think some spring clothing shopping will help ;):)
4. I have a new kitchen cleaning hack which is… burning a specific candle that makes my kitchen smell clean even when it looks like a mess haha. You know I’m obsessed with Bath & Body Works 3 Wick Candles. The Limoncello candle is what I currently have burning all day, every day.
5. As I am sitting here typing this, I just looked up and saw a toy lawn mower in the middle of my family room. I cannot help but laugh right now. My son’s favorite toy is a lawn mower. He is actually on a second, upgraded one because he outgrew the first (the handle was too low now haha). If you have a little around Leo’s age, try a toy lawn mower.
6. I’ve gotten at least one Amazon package delivery every day for the past few weeks. I’ve started ordering everything through Amazon prime – household cleaning products, clothing, diapers, food (yes, food!), everything! And… if I can let you in on a little something before I share with everyone. I finally started my product review IG (content coming soon!) NEW IG HERE
Healthy Simple Spaghetti
- 1/2 lb ground turkey or lean ground beef
- 1.5 cups pasta sauce
- 1 lbs pasta
- 1/4 cup grated parmesean
- In a large skillet over medium heat, cook the ground meat
- In a separate pan, cook pasta according to package directions
- When pasta is done cooking, drain and add it to the skillet with the meat
- Immediately add the pasta sauce, keeping the heat on medium
- Stir the mixture and add in the parmesan cheese; allow to simmer for 3-4 minutes
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