
Back & Biceps – 10/21

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#LGAccountability Check In: Stay
accountable! Upload your workout & meal pictures to Instagram to
inspire and be inspired by the community. Use the hashtag
#LGAccountability, #LGSweatSeshSelfie, your team hashtag and tag me,
@laurengleisberg so we can all connect!

Tip of the Day: As we head into the weekend, especially the weekend leading up to Thanksgiving (in the United States), you may find yourself enjoying a treat or indulgent meal. First off, I’m telling you it’s okay! If you’re looking to achieve and sustain lasting results, then keeping your eating habits nonrestrictive and balanced is key. The mistake I see individuals make is that they skip meals to “make up” for overeating. I’m sure I’m not the first person you’ve heard say this isn’t a good idea, but, personally, I only believe something if I can understand the science behind why it’s not a smart decision.

When we overeat ((even just one meal or one day)), our bodies will store the excess calories as body fat; our bodies do so because this can then be tapped into for an energy source when needed, and science/physiology shows our bodies function to conserve as much energy as possible. We may think that if we skip the next meal, our bodies will tap into that recent fat storage and burn it off. Instead, our bodies respond to the sudden restriction in calories by slowing down the metabolism to further conserve energy as no food for fuel is provided. Further, skipping meals may lead to cravings and further binge eating. 

So, how should we handle overeating? It’s simple….enjoy your treat, then jump right back into your normal eating schedule.

You know there’s nothing I like more on a Friday than a Flex Friday picture, but what you may not know is that I enjoy it because it represents strength that we learn to develop. Everyone who has gotten somewhere once had to take the difficult first step as a beginner. Here are some of my pictures from just 1/5-2 years ago; what I love most is that these now “before” pictures were once my “after” pictures. No matter where you start, you can get to wherever you want to be!

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