

The number one comment I receive regarding breakfast is that there is simply not enough time in the morning. Laides, I hear ya! It seems that on most mornings there is always some compromise to be made: give yourself a blowout or make breakfast for you and your significant other, or get to the gym or be able to straighten up the kitchen and unload the dishwasher.
Excuses aside, breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day. It not only sets the tone for the day, but also kick starts your metabolism. Those who skip breakfast are more likely to over eat in the next meal and crave in between meals throughout the day. This is one of my go-to recipes for the morning because it is packed full of protein and loaded will vitamins and minerals.
-2 eggs
-1 handful of spinach
-1/4 red bell pepper
-1/4 cup mushrooms
-1/4 cup tomato
-1/2 avocado
-1 tbsp feta cheese (optional)
-seasoning: sea salt & pepper to taste
-Heat a medium sized skillet on low-medium heat (1 minute)
-Add a spray of olive oil/coconut oil non stick cooking spray to the pan
-Chop/dice all vegetables (1 minute)
-Simmer vegetables (1 minute)
-Add in eggs & scramble (2 minutes)
Enjoy 🙂

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  1. Anonymous

    Yummy but definitely not 5 mins to make that…more like 15.

    • Katie Baumgartner

      It would be 5 min if you cut the things ahead of time ; )

  2. kathy

    Tried it and loved it!! I usually eat scrambled eggs on their own but it tastes soooo much better with the extras. Thanks Lauren!

    Love your blog!!

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