

I rounded up a few blog posts you ladies have been asking about. In yesterday’s email, I asked for suggestions of things you’d like to see on here in the future. Many of the top requests were topics I’ve already written on, so I thought it would be fun to round those up and share them today. Blog posts have a tendency to get buried and lost underneath newer ones, so hopefully some of these “old” posts are new to you!

I love reading others’ daily food journals because I get new ideas for my own meals. This type of post was a top suggestion… I’ve done a few of these in the past and would be happy to do more regularly to give you ideas of how I pull LG recipes together to make complete meals for the day.

This was a post I received the most positive feedback on… possibly ever! I get it… this perspective is so refreshing and if you adopt it, I bet you will feel so good inside you’ll want to share the concept with a friend. It’s a way I’ve learned to live my daily life and go from frustrated to peaceful. I hope it helps you as much as it has me!

Many of you requested more posts on proper form and specific exercise demos. I’ve shared a lot of those in training tip videos for those who have the premium challenge packs but I can definitely do more blog posts like this. I thought you may enjoy this one because pull ups were one exercise I so badly wanted to improve… they just make you feel so strong! See how I went from barely being able to do one to smashing my goal.

Who isn’t all for an easy, DIY project?! I share many recipes at random and also prefer printing all my meal plans; I wanted a system where I could organize everything in one place. Hello, Meal Plan Binder. The final product easily serves as a “menu” in helping you meal plan for the week.

I asked my husband, Anthony to help out here. You’re always asking how you can get the guy’s in your life on board with healthy eating, so Anthony had some awesome pieces of advice to share on how to do just that.

Baby. Baby. And more baby. That’s what I heard so often in the suggestions. I’ve quickly learned that every mom-to-be and every pregnancy is so different, which is why I’ve kept my current fitness journey a bit on the DL. I decided to go through pre-natal and post-natal fitness firsthand before putting together a plan to share and boy, I’m happy I did it that way. There is so much I would have gotten wrong… what I thought would be challenging is not and what I thought would be easy isn’t. I’m happy to share a bit more about my pregnancy from products to general updates and health and fitness. I’ll do those in lifestyle journals on the weekends.

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  1. Kim

    Love this! Thanks for posting!

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