Fitmas Premium Challenge Bundle
You’re the one who sets herself up for serious success this challenge!
Premium Challenge Pack Includes:
- Early Access to Weekly Workouts (emailed every Sunday AM)
- Exercise Photo Library
- 5 Week Challenge Printable Planner
- Exclusive Training Tip + Healthy Eating Weekly Videos
- Add On Cardio Plan (3 exclusive cardio workouts per week)
- Add on Ab Plan (2 additional ab workouts per week)
Eat Your Way Lean Meal Plan:
- Easy to follow nutrition guidelines (learn what to eat, how much, and when)
- Science-based nutrition approach to see physical results through food alone
- 100+ nutritious & delicious recipes
+LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP (installments included: Slimming Nutrition Kick Start, Meal Prep Plan and all future installments)
As soon as you order, you’ll immediately receive the product downloads for the meal plan, photo library, planner and welcome pack.
Your weekly workouts and cardio and ab add on plan is emailed to you every Sunday AM. Training Tip + Nutrition Videos will be sent weekly to your email as well.
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