
No Equipment Cardio & Ab Circuit

Warm Up:
-Jumping jacks
-Jumping jacks

-Squat jumps
-Alternating jumping lunges
-Russian twists
….repeat _x

Cool Down:
-Jumping jacks
-Jumping Jacks

Dollar a Day Training: Downloadable
version includes time/rounds specifications for the cardio
workout as well as sets/reps and step by step instructions for the ab workout; I included my personal
training tips and exercise descriptions for the abs movements.

For this week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts):


I believed and I achieved.
Gym Style Details:
 Top & Crops: Lululemon
Shoes: Nike Duel Fusion
Tip of the Day: Believe you can and you’re half way there. I am just a normal chick… I work. I go to school. I clean my home. There are days I want to lay in bed and watch TV. There are days I want to eat my body weight in pizza. I don’t have a super power for motivation or for getting fit. I believe I am capable of living a healthy life and finding fulfillment in the physical, mental, and emotional results that follow. Belief is the first step! If you can begin to believe you can and will achieve your dream body, you just took the biggest step. Are you believing in yourself? What can you do to start??
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  1. KatieK

    So true, anyone can do what they set their mind to. I found your blog in October and started buying your weekly workouts. Due to buying them and actually doing the workouts weekly, along with carb cycling, I went from 21% body fat to 16.2%! Thank you for the great blog and workouts! 🙂

    • Fitness Barbie

      No way! I'm so happy to hear that! If you're ever willing to share a progress picture with me or our community, I'd love to feature yours! If so, email me at lauren640@aol.com I'm so proud of you girl – keep rocking it out XO

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