
MY DAILY SCHEDULE (work from home, mom of 2)

My daily schedule is something I’m constantly trying to improve for an increase in both productivity and enjoyment. I love reading how other people plan out their day so I can gather tips to apply to my own schedule. We all seem to be working toward that work/life balance, and I don’t mean work in just the traditional sense. We work around our homes, as wives, girlfriends, mothers, friends, etc. I structure my day to be efficient with my time: to accomplish important tasks and more importantly, to enjoy my daily life. 



Just some quick background on myself so you can better understand my day… I run a business and have several employees. Most of them work remotely but a few work in my home. I’m a proud wife and mom to two little boys: Leo (2 1/2 years old) and Beckham (11 months). My older son goes to a little preschool and my younger son stays at home with us and a part-time nanny. I am fortunate enough to be able to set my own schedule but I also have very large responsibilities that require structure. I finally feel that I’ve found a schedule that allows me to get a lot done while prioritizing my family.
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5 :00AM – WAKE UP

This past year, I decided to become an early riser after hearing so many successful people talk about how this daily habit improved their lives. It took a few weeks to months to get myself from a 6:30 AM alarm to this but I woke up 15 mins earlier each week until I got to my goal. 


I could dedicate a full post to my morning routine because I’ve found this sets the tone for my entire day. It doesn’t matter where I am or when I wake up, if I follow a few simple steps, I always begin my day with the best mindset. 


This may be an odd thing to do first thing but it has such a great purpose… 1) it forces me to move, which energizes my body and 2) I get a load of laundry done. I have a basket of dirty laundry that can all be popped directly into the drier (as opposed to a mix load where I need to sort through drier-friendly and hang-dry item). This is usually socks, underwear, towels, etc. Even if it’s a small load, I run it to stay on top of things. 

5:15-7:00 AM – WORK OR WORKOUT

This time slot is reserved for productivity. It’s been one of the main benefits in waking up significantly earlier than my children. If the day goes to sh!t, I love that I have almost 2 hours of work under my belt. Most often, I do computer work during this time. Every now and then, I’ll work for our family whether it’s ordering groceries or paying bills or doing 1 of the 1000 household/family tasks. About 80% of the time, I work but on days I know I can’t get in a workout later in the day, I’ll workout in my garage gym during this time. 
*Hot Tip – I love listening to a podcast during this time; it keeps me company as if I have a friend I am chatting with and it alway stimulates my braind


I spend 10-15 minutes getting set for my kids to wake up. A little bit of preparation helps our mornings run smoothly. I make Beckham’s bottle and put together a breakfast for Leo. I make sure the outfits are laid out and I have everything set – socks and shoes too. I set out the toothbrush, hair brush, etc. If there is extra time, I’ll do my hair for the day.

7:15-7:30 – BOYS WAKE UP

Most mornings, my boys wake up between 7:15 and 7:30 AM. I am usually the one who gets them up and out of their cribs. Leo loves to be my helper in getting Beckham up. I walk down the stairs with boy boys in my arms, and Leo loves to say “the boysss.” I can’t help but smile just thinking about that. 

7:15-7:30 – BREAKFAST

The boys sit at our kitchen table and eat breakfast right when they wake up. I do intermittent fasting, so I don’t eat with them but I do make myself a big glass of water. We sit, chat and enjoy. Leo loves to “cheers” to a great day.

7:45 – CUDDLE

This is new for us. After breakfast, I used to immediately get everyone dressed and off to school/nanny, so I can get to work. However, I’ve shifted this part of our morning because my boys are little and the reality is that my schedule is somewhat flexible. We crawl in my big bed, watch a morning cartoon and cuddle. During this time, I am casually dressing the boys and getting ready to walk out the door.


I take Leo to preschool. I always make sure to make the short drive special. We say affirmations together. We blast music and dance. And, he usually convinced me to find a construction site to watch for a few minutes. 

8:45 – GYM

After I take Leo to school, I drive to the gym to workout. I love an AM workout for many reasons 1) it’s built into my schedule… I take Leo + then onto the gym (helps me actually go) 2) it’s too early for anything to “pop up” and keep me from going and 3) I begin my day with such a good feeling 


I freshen up before my team arrives. If I’m super sweaty, I hop in the shower quick. AM skincare routine. Simple make up application. 


We have a quick team meeting every day at 10 AM. Most of my team works remotely but as LG grows, we are shifting to work together more often. This little meeting is helpful in reviewing our big goals and making sure that what we are doing each day is moving us in that direction. Also, I LOVE that our work day officially begins at 10 AM… this allows my team to sleep in just a bit, maybe get a workout in, do emails while sipping coffee in the comfort of their own homes, enjoy getting ready and then show up in a powerful space. By this time, Beckham’s nanny is here so we can focus on work.

10:00-3:00 – WORK

I have about 2 hours of work in, so I pick up where I left off. Every day is different but I’ve learned that batching my tasks and time is the most efficient way to work. 

3:00-3:30 – PICK UP LEO

I wish I could work until about 4 We pack up the entire family and pick Leo up from school. Honestly, this is the highlight of my day. I love sneaking into his classroom and watching him. I absolutely love the feeling when he spots me and runs to me. I cherish that hug and his excitement to do whatever is next.


We try to plan a family activity each day. It’s been an amazing way to get in quality time with all 4 of us. We do things like: the park, the local children’s museum, the mall, Chick-fil-A for a snack + the play area, the grocery store (Leo’s absolute favorite place), etc. It’s simple but we find ways to make it extra fun… blast music, put the windows down, act silly, run around with the kids. 

4:30-5:00 – OUTSIDE TIME

After we go on a little family adventure, we play outside when we get home. Leo adores his neighbor friends and all his outdoor toys. He asks to ring everyone’s door bell and we literally have to drag him inside kicking and screaming (a sign of a fun time when you’re a toddler!).

5:00 – DINNER

We eat a pretty early dinner as a family. This is one area I want to improve. Ideally, I would like to prep this dinner sometime during the day so that I can moreso pop it in the oven or do a few, quick steps before we eat. This time always feels a bit chaotic, but that is this season of life!

5:45 – BATH TIME

We try to go right into the bath after dinner. This is a team effort in our house. One of us is cleaning up dinner. The other is getting the bath ready. Then, we rotate and one of us is bathing the kids while the other picking up and getting the laundry started.


I am a very structured, scheduled mom (with some fun wiggle room). We do snuggles, books, prayers and bed. 

7:00-7:30 – TIMED TIDYING UP

I set a timer for 20ish minutes and pick up as much as I can. I let our house get messy during the day. I used to pick up after my kids until I realized I was taking time away from playing with them and cleaning the same toys over and over. I stay on top of dishes throughout the day but wait on everything else. I love starting the day with a tidy home, so 20 minutes gets me to a nice spot.

7:30-8:30/9 – WORK

I work for 60-90 minutes after the boys go to bed. This is something I am trying to get away from because I would like to do a bit more relaxing or something for myself. 


I love ending the day with a shower. I am big on energy and I feel like this washes off the day’s energy. I always get out of the shower in a good mood. I also do my evening skincare routine now.


After I get out of the shower, I take a sleep supplement. I’ve been playing with a few and seeing what I like best. 

9:30 – SHOWS

I am a reality TV junkie as you may know.  My favorite thing to do is crawl into bed and turn on the Housewives. I try to find shows my husband will watch with me (currently hooked on Ozark – although it’s giving us both terrible dreams lol). 

10:30 – BED

My goal is always to get to bed (and be asleep!) before 10:30 PM because that 5 AM alarm comes quickly lol. 

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