
Lower Body Home Workout – 8/9

-50 jumping jacks

Set 1:
-Curtsey lunges
-Jump squats
-Jogging in place

Set 2:
-Step ups
-Alternating jumping lunges
-High knees

Set 3:
-Side squats
-Box jumps

Set 4:
-Donkey kick
-Fire hydrants
-Frog jumps

-50 jumping jacks

*This is the workout that will still appear in my daily posts

Dollar a Day Training
Want me to push you in the gym?
More info in this video blog
This is an example of the downloadable jpg image that can be purchased
for just $1 a day (a buy it button will appear right in this post and
links up to paypal). This purchased workout includes weight, sets, and
rep ranges, and exclusive training tips designed to further enhance your
workouts and get you to your results! Feel free to print it or save it
right to your camera roll/photo album to use at the gym! I cannot stress
enough the importance of rep ranges and varying weight in a workout.
These are elements of a workout that can not only help you build
muscle/lose fat, but also enable you to sculpt and build the body you
want!  Curves made of muscle 🙂
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