
#LGFitAndLean2016 Challenge: Shoulders + Glutes (W6D4)

There was one workout this challenge that absolutely blew me away. When I created it, I was saying yes, yesss, YES with each exercise and after completing it ((especially the lean portion)) I was like this is one of the very few workouts I will be repeating. So, on the second last day of the challenge, I wanted us to complete my very favorite Fit and Lean 2016 workout. I hope you love it as much as I do!


  • 6 sets on the static lunge press = 3 sets each side
  • If you prefer to count reps 30 sec -> 12-15 reps


  • Think of me during those plank glute kicks :))

Healthy Habit: THINK LESS, LIVE MORE! That quote made it on one of the cover of the 2016 Happy Healthy Life Printable Planner because it’s so close to my heart. As health and fitness enthusiasts, we are do-ers. When we hit a challenge, we want to fix it. When something doesn’t seem right, we investigate it. It’s just our nature. On most occasions, this can be a very beneficial part of who we are. On some cases, however, we can let it get the best of us. You know what I’m talking about…. you look down at the bag of potato chips you meant to just grab a few of and realize you ate the entire family size bag; your head begins spinning, thinking how many calories per serving… times how many servings…. oh my gosh you think… you begin planning how you can make up for this… what you can cut out of the next meal… maybe you’ll have to work out twice tomorrow… your thoughts don’t stop. And then, the emotional storm rolls in. Believe me, I’ve been there!
Think less, live more is a motto for when we hit bumps in the road. It requires a conscious awareness that our thoughts aren’t reality, which is a refreshing perspective. Just because we think: “oh my gosh, I just ate an entire bag of potato chips… I just ruined all my hard work this week” doesn’t make it true. You know what I’m saying?? Watch out for those self-sabotaging thoughts. The second they pop up, try the think less, live more approach. In other words… get out of your own way. End the thoughts by diving head first into an amazing part of your life. 
Here’s my example: I get really hard on myself when I snack at my desk mostly because I’m not even enjoying it. If I’m going to eat Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, you bet I want to savor every bite. Instead of beating myself up, I’ll think “oh, sh!t” but I have enough awareness to know those thoughts quickly spiral out of control, so I’ll do one of two thing: 1) call a friend or family member just to say hey – the connection and conversation from chatting with a friend is enough to distract you from a petty problem like snacking or 2) I’ll go outside and water my flower, get the mail or do something just to put things in perspective. LIVE MORE! The next time you encounter an issue that isn’t worth your time, try taking the think less, live more approach!
Habit Homework – what areas of your life could you take the think less, live more approach
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