
#LGFitAndLean2016 Challenge: Chest + Shoulders (W4D5)

Fridays are for flexing and fun! So, of course, today’s quick ((and deceivingly challenging)) workout fits flawlessly. Don’t let these 8 movements fool you the combination of weights and cardio will leave you sweating…. I mean sparkling from head to toe 😉 It’s just the kickstart we need for a healthy and enjoyable weekend!


Your fit + lean portions are combined in this workout

If you want to rev up the intensity, take shorter rests in between sets

As an added challenge, add in THIS core workout at the end


Healthy Habit: PERSISTENCE! “I am seeing some progress, but I’m struggling to lose fat in my ___fill in the blank____! Believe it or not, I was once the person saying that. My fill in the plank was my lower belly. I know that phrase will be uttered by women daily and I would simply like to share what I learned along the way and what I have to continue to remind myself.

First off, fat loss is a systemic progress. When we work to gain muscle, we can, in fact, pick and choose where we “put” it. We can target the booty with kickbacks, squats and lunges to build those lower body muscles. On the contrary, when it comes to losing fat, we cannot spot target, meaning we can’t pick where we lose it. Think about it this way – can we pick where we gain weight?! Nope! If only I had that superpower… it would go straight to the booty and boobies 😉

The reality, however, is that we don’t pick where we gain and we don’t pick where we lose body fat. Typically, the first place(s) we gain is the last place(s) we lose. Simply knowing that can help us build up our persistence in working on the body we want. Just because you’re not seeing the results you want now doesn’t mean you won’t ever. When I started, all I wanted was abs. It took me almost 2 years to see those results because it took me that long to be persistent and better yet, consistent.

Don’t forget to remind yourself to love your body as it is; you can love your body and work to improve it all at the same time! Be persistent! 

Habit Homework – be gentle and kind with yourself today! 

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