
#LGFitAndLean2016 Challenge: Biceps + Triceps (W1D4)

Ready to finish the week out strong?! A little extra focus today and tomorrow will leave room for enjoying a bit more on the weekend! I find it helpful to do a mid-week meal prep… typically, mine just consist of prepping some lean protein to have on hand. If you’re looking for a place to start, try my three way meal prep that requires less than 10 minutes of hands-on time!



  • If your goal is fit + lean arms: use the suggested set + time intervals below
  • If your goal is strength + muscle building: switch each movement to 3 sets of 15 reps instead of the timed training style


  • Remain strong through your upper body in these exercise, focusing on form even though you work at a fast pace to rev up that heart rate

Healthy Habit #4: Make sleep a priority! Easier said than done, right?! Oh girl… I hear ya. It’s just a few minutes away from midnight as I type this and I’m wide awake, stressing a bit about that early AM alarm I have to set, which leads me to this… sleep for better results!
Sleep is not only important for the every day girl, but especially essential for the LG girl looking to become her fittest, leanest, happiest, healthiest self. Exercise, although beneficial, is actually considered a stress to the body. It physically breaks down our muscle fibers and post-workout, our body works diligently to repair and recover. While we sleep, we give our bodies an opportunity to do just that! Other than the physical benefits, a well-rested you is a much happier, focused you!
All that is great, but how can we sleep for better results?! When I read your check ins from the AM routine Grateful Heart, Happy Girl photo challenge, I saw that sleep was a priority for many of you as well. Here are the top two tips that worked for me…
1) REGULAR WAKE UP CALLS – I had this suggested to me many times, but thought “that doesn’t sound fun.” I finally attempted it when I was desperately seeking better sleep and now I’m hooked. Wake up at the same time every day… weekends included! The reality is that I do let myself sleep in 30-45 minutes later on the weekends and find it still works, but if you can get away from drastic changes in the wake up time on week days versus the weekend, you’ll find Monday morning much more enjoyable!
2) SHIFTING BY 5 – “I’ve got to get to bed earlier” turns into sitting in bed earlier and falling asleep at the same time. Anyone else?! Focus on trying to fall asleep just 5 minutes earlier. It doesn’t sound like much, but as you know I love to say… small steps lead to big results over time that last! Each night, focus on another 5 minutes earlier and very quickly, you’ll be falling asleep earlier, feeling more rested and seeing better results inside and out!

Habit Homework – establish your goal bed time and wake up time; then, put a plan in place!

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