
HIIT Cardio + Ab Circuit – 9/15

Workout Download: Want
more out of this workout?! The downloadable workout version
includes my personal
training tips and
explanations on all the exercises listed + a meal plan to enhance results!
Read more about this week’s complete plan (meal plan & 5 workouts): 


Tip of the Day: Fancy up your health and fitness. You know how a fancy gala gets you excited – the long dress, the updo hairstyle, the primping, the fine dining; it’s not only a fun evening due to the excitement of the event, but it’s the entire process leading up to it as well! We may have felt that exciting build up with school dances like homecoming and prom! Well, when we learn to cultivate those same feelings with our health and fitness, it becomes easier and more exciting. 
Create a build up to anything health and fitness you have going on in your world. Maybe you love a particular health food store, but it’s a 25 min drive, so get excited about going there on a Saturday morning when you have a bit more time; make a list of your favorite items to purchase there, invite a friend to come alone, and hype up the event. Perhaps you’re working up to running 3 miles on the treadmill without stopping. Create a plan for yourself…schedule out how many miles you will run each day until you build up to your goal. Plan your reward for when you complete that accomplishment – maybe it’s a new pair of running shoes, maybe it’s a celebration with your significant other.
My personal example has to do with water intake – it’s something I am cognizant of daily because I know if I’m not focusing on drinking enough, I fail to do so. Instead of forcing myself to simply down water, I mixed sparkling water with a splash of natural lemonade I purchased at Trader Joes. The combination was a yummy H20 alternative and the fancy glass was the cherry on top of a delicious sundae!

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