Welcome to the Friday Five where I share 5 random things I’m totally obsessed with each week. Sometimes I’m organized and the Friday Five have a theme but other week’s they’re completely random… this week is one of those random weeks. In fact, it’s kind of a reflection of the state of my life this week if I’m being honest lol (see #2). Happy Friday and enjoy the read 🙂
For me, Pinterest has been the one social channel that I never get sick of. You can follow my boards HERE if you’re interested – it’s pretty much all outfits, home decor, motivational quotes and workout ideas lol. There is something very inspirational about Pinterest.
Just this week, I went on and typed in “motivational monday quote” when I was feeling like I needed a little boost of inspo. I spent a few mins scrolling and reading, and I really enjoyed it.
I wanted to wear denim shorts to a little social thing I was going to and I was feeling stuck on what top to wear. I searched denim shorts outfit and got so many good ideas.
If you’ve hopped off Pinterest, try it out again in different ways.
I mentioned this week that I’ve been feeling a little anxious and overwhelmed. It’s just been one of those weeks where your plate is extra full… I’m sure you’ve been there and can relate. Anyway, I mentioned that I’ve become really good at recognizing when my usual calm, content and optimistic self becomes more anxious and pessimistic. When I see the first signs of that, I make small changes and remain hopeful I feel big impacts. One thing that’s always helped me in the past is meditation.
This is totally not sponsored although I wish it were because this is the most I’ve paid for an app. ever. Headspace app… you’ve got to try it! I’ve used a bazillion meditations apps. Previously, calm was my favorite but then they changed the app and I wasn’t as in love with the selection. I then discovered headspace.
The app actually has like several different “programs” – I’ve used ones for sleep, anxiety, gratitude… there are so many. I just meditate 5-10 mins each day and it’s really helped shift my mood. I am writing this Thur PM and I can’t even tell you how much just a few days of meditation has brought me back to myself. I really just wanted to share that in case any of your are having one of those weeks and are looking for something to help get you through.
As I’m typing this, I’m thinking… “you know I really should dedicate an entire blog post to this.” And, I think I will! If you’ve been with me for awhile, you’ve likely heard me talk about implementing healthy plan B. Plan A would be that we could this amazing, nutrient-dense meals for every meal. Sometimes we do that.
Then, there are those nights where you look at the clock at it’s 7:15. You haven’t eaten since lunch. You’re tired, hungry and the last thing you want to do is cook. Instead of reaching for a bag of junk… what’s a healthy plan b? For me, one example is having a rotisserie chicken in the fridge so I can take some of that and heating up an Amy’s brand organic brown rice lasagna that I can have with it. 5 minutes later I have a healthy dinner… it may be my Plan B but it’s a heck of a lot better than eating chips for dinner.
That’s what I’m talking about… a healthy plan b. More on this next week!
Anthony – my husband and other half – keeps sharing his headphones on Instagram stories. First off, if you follow him on Instagram, I want to say thank you for putting up with his antics lol. By now you may know that my husband is super frugal yet loves a splurge. The type of guy who will argue with a cashier about the price being $0.97 instead of $0.99 yet understands how people write a $200,000 check for a Porsche 911 Turbo S (his favorite car – giving myself good wife points for remembering thatlol).
Right before Father’s Day, Anthony mentioned he wished my old his Beats were noise cancelling. I jumped on Amazon and saw THESE that has 15,000 positive reviews and were only $39.99. Anyways I’m sharing them here because Anthony keeps telling people “I’ll link them or Lauren will link them” haha. I just asked him for his product review and he says “9/10 – they headphones themselves are great but I get a headache if I wear them for more than an hour but maybe that’s just my head haha”
On the topic of headphones, I wanted to share a review about my airpods since many of you have been asking. I’ll keep this review short and sweet. Quick background… I’ve used Beats headphones for 7+ years and in those 7 years, I only had 2 pairs; they lasted well and I loved the quality. I went from the regular, cord to wireless. Then, my wireless headphones started wearing out and I looked for different options. I gave airpods a try and I couldn’t imagine going to anything else. Wireless – an absolute must for how I workout. Quality – as great as Beats. Best part – they literally do not move or fall out no matter what I do. 10/10! Amazing! Highly recommend!
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