Hello, OCD Lauren here with another cleaning/organizational post. I wouldn’t call myself a clean freak because I really don’t love cleaning 24/7 (I rather be relaxing lol) but boy do I enjoy a tidy, organized home. As you’ve come to know, I have a “system” for just about everything in my life. I am all about ways to increase efficiency, so, of course, I have a daily house cleaning schedule and checklist. Basically, I do just a few things each day to keep my home neat and tidy without feeling like I’m constantly cleaning; a clean house hack if you will.
ANOTHER POST YOU’ll LOVE: Spring Cleaning + Organization Checklist
This post was a 6 week schedule for how to deep clean and organize your entire home without by doing just a little bit each week. It’s way more do-able than dedicating an entire weekend to cleaning your home. Be sure you check that out if you’re interested!
One of the reasons I most enjoy a tidy home is because I find that an organized house leads to an organized life. When my home is a mess, I notice my mind is scattered as well. I feel like the days when I get up, make my bed, walk out to a picked up home and get on with my day… I’m so energized and accomplished. The mood of your home totally sets the vibe for your day.
ALSO, I’ve got to be honest. I like cleaning as in I enjoy the perks of a clean home and I even like to wash my counters/pick up for 15 minutes. BUT, if given the option… I rather go on an evening walk with my family or sit my butt on the couch over cleaning. Ya feel me?! So, this daily home cleaning schedule allows me to do just a few things each day to keep my house tidy.
Here it is…
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I complete these tasks every day… most often in the evening after we’ve cooked dinner. You’ve probably seen my son Leo, using the hand held vacuum and pushing around the swiffer on Instagram stories haha. He’s been doing that since he was 1 and would sit in place with the vacuum… teach ’em young haha kidding ;):)
After we put the kids to sleep, I do the house pick up. I am going to sound nutty but you know I love my time cube for work tasks; I’ll actually set it for 15 mins and straighten up what I can. Because I do this at night, I don’t stress over little messes all day and it feel great to wake up in the AM to a clean home.
Mondays I dedicate to the kitchen and dining areas. My husband bought this $20 hand vac
Full pantry organization post + free printables I put together here
This isn’t a deep clean, so I just focus on getting to all the bathrooms in the home. A little sweep, swipe and straighten is all it really takes! Also, you know I do a load of laundry every day (new for me in 2018) and it’s been a game changer… on Tuesdays, I do my bathroom linens and rugs.
Wednesdays are all about the living room. Our living room is where we spend the majority of our time. It’s a high traffic area so a lot of stuff seems to collect here. The majority of my Wednesday cleaning in the living room is about decluttering junk, straightening shelves/tabletops and reorganizing areas in that space. A nice vacuum job always make the room feel clean.
On Thursdays, I tidy up bedrooms, hallways and areas that need it. Most often, these areas just need vacuuming and straightening up. A little bit of effort in each room goes a long way. Blast some music and get at it for a half hour.
Fridays I get outside. These tasks are so easy to complete while grilling dinner or while chatting with neighbors. I basically just sweep my outdoor spaces. And I get out the 64 water bottles my car collects each week.
If you are going to do deep cleaning, I would say the weekend is the best time to do it. I always dedicated Saturday AM to deep cleaning and loved how I enjoyed the weekend in a tiday home.
A few years ago, my husband’s birthday gift to me was cleaning help. My husband is all about these gifts that keep on giving. He knew how much I loved getting myself Trader Joes $3.99 flowers so one holiday, he put $250 ($4 plus extra for tax x 52 weeks in a year) in an envelope next to a vase of flowers so I could get myself flowers each week. Honestly – best. gift. ever. The cleaning help was along the same lines. I have a cleaning woman who comes every other week to do deep cleaning in our home, so I really just focus on keeping up with the amazing work she does.
Okay, there it is… my daily house cleaning schedule and checklist. If you’re like me, you’ll download the PDF, print if off and put it in a drawer in your kitchen to refer to each week.
I hope this helps you out a bit! Talk soon!
Your graphic says “straighten panty” LOLOLOL 🙂 This post is so helpful and it’s definitely being printed and going on my fridge. Thank you, Lauren. And thank you for the accidental laugh, it made my day!
Hi Martha,
ooo goodness! Thank You for noticing that and also giving us a great laugh! How silly of us! Thank You