
No Equipment Cardio & Ab Circuit – 11/12

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Tip of the Day: EPOC – say what?? As you all know, I’m a big fan of HIIT, aka high intensity interval training because I’m someone who is dedicated to seeing results, and I would like to do so in the most efficient and time-effective way. One of the reasons why HIIT is so effective in a short amount of time is due to the afterburn, which I’m sure you’ve heard me mention from time to time! As someone who holds a Bachelor of Science, I cannot help but research how to achieve results in the most scientifically proven way; I live by the quote, “work smarter not harder.”

Enter…HIIT cardio & EPOC. EPOC stands for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption ((or the “afterburn”)). When we workout under the HIIT technique, our muscles “burn” due to the lactic acid build up and our oxygen stores begin to deplete, which is the shortness of breath we experience. When high-intensity workouts are completed, the body will work to stabilize itself on many different levels; one of those ways is to pay back the “oxygen debt” created during exercise and to clear out the lactic acid. This requires calories to be burned! In fact, our bodies will work to do this for 16-24 hours following a HIIT workout. Not only do HIIT workouts allow us to burn the same amount of calories in 30 minutes as compared to a longer steady state workout, but also calorie burning may occur for up to 24 hours following the workout! 

I hope you enjoy today’s HIIT workout a little bit more knowing you’ll be burning calories for the next day from it!

Click here for a scientific study to back up this claim!

I love that this picture captures the difference between my workout selfies (sports bra, always) and what I wear to actually workout (layers)
Top, Scarf, Sports Bra & Leggings: Lululemon // Shoes: Nike Frees

#LGAccountability Daily Challenge: Share your favorite HIIT exercise or workout! On Instagram, upload your picture; then, hashtag #LGAccountability, your team hashtag and tag me @laurengleisberg so I can see them too!

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  1. Lindy

    Lauren, I found you instagram a few months ago and I think you are such an inspiration! You seem really down to earth and a lot different than most fitness bloggers. I LOVE that you focus on working smarter not harder becuase I always struggle with spending too much time at the gym. Keep up the good work <3

  2. Fitness Barbie

    Hi Lindy,
    Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I agree with you – I enjoy the gym, but don't want to spend hours there!

    Hope you're having a great week!


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