
Back & Biceps – 3/8

Back & Biceps
-assisted pull ups
-close grip lat pull downs
-bent over barbell row
     -superset with barbell deadlifts

-barbell curls
-barbell preacher curls
-cable rope hammer curls

TIP OF THE DAY: Pop quiz! Is it more beneficial to complete 20 reps with poor-moderate form or 10 reps with excellent form? Well, there is no official right answer to that question, but in my opinion the latter of the two far surpass the first option in terms of beneficence. For instance, take a simple bicep curl, if you “bounce” through the movement and don’t think of isolating the bicep, you can easily complete 20 of a heavier weight. However, try raising the weight, counting 1, 2, 3, contract fully, then return back to the starting position counting 1, 2, 3, 4 – keeping your elbows in and motionless. Rep quality is everything and proper form will benefit you most!

you’ve been working hard all week, be sure to take those progress
pictures! One picture can say a lot more about the changes your body
made as compared to a number on the scale! If you worked hard all week,
reward your body by continuing that through the weekend! I know how hard
it is to stay on top of your diet & make time for the gym on the
weekends, but it’s worth it! 
Love that little baby bicep peak 😉
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