
Found! 6 Healthy Versions of Your Favorite Sweets + Candy

How ideal does this sound… munching on your favorite sweets + candy while cozied up on the couch watching a movie? How about chit chatting with girlfriends… a glass of wine in one hand, some chocolate in the other?!

No matter how much I progress in my health and fitness journey, one thing remains… my sweet tooth. I have better ways to manage it and I have healthier versions of my favorite. 

When I do want to enjoy a little bit without going overboard, these are my go-to sweets and candy selections. They’re all good. Some are standouts. You can’t go wrong with whatever you choose, so allow your sweet tooth to make the selection.
Here are 6 healthy versions of your favorite sweets + candy…

smart sweets healthy gummy bearsthey only have 3 grams of sugar PER BAG:

Smart Sweets Gummy Bears

smart sweets healthy candy

same brand. just 3 grams sugar/bag. but SWEDISH FISH:

Smart Sweets Sweet Fish

justins healthy peanut butter cups

these taste like the real deal:

Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups

yum earth organic lollipop suckers

great for kids + amazing for adults:

YumEarth Organic Pops

cocomels coconut milk caramels

just one satisfies my sweet tooth:

Cocomels Coconut Milk Caramels

yumearth organic licorice

I have a 10+ bags of these in my house at all times:

YumEarth Organic Licorice

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