
ConfidenceKini Challenge: Back + Biceps (W4D3)

Today’s To-Do List:
[ ] Weighted Workout: Back + Biceps

[ ] Premium Ab Plan: Plank Workout A

(workout HERE)
[ ] Photo Challenge

[ ] Community Check In

Back + Biceps

  • For all unilateral exercises (ex: single arm rows), complete the suggested reps on each side


Premium Ab Plan

  • Today’s Ab Workout: Plank Workout A
  • Find the Premium Ab Plan HERE

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Daily Photo Challenge
WOMEN WHO EMPOWER: share some love with a woman who is empowering you

#LGAccountability #LGTeamKini
Tip of the Day: This isn’t a tip, rather a friendly remind that you are, in fact, a women who empowers. I’m often asked why I started the #LGAccountability community and it always brings me back to when I first began my health and fitness journey. I’m sure you can remember years back when workouts weren’t trendy or talked about. Eating healthy was thought of as low-fat chips. I had a thirst for knowledge on how I could better my body and myself, but there wasn’t much out there other than overly produced fitness videos and models that seemed unrelatable. This community is everything I wish I once had, but it’s you that really brings it life. The community is made of up women from all different background. Women who are at different places in their lives and in their health journeys. Some have several children. Others are still in school. Yet, we all come together for one thing… to become our best selves and to lend support to others doing the same. This community is what is is because of you. Whether you realize it or not, every time you upload, comment or like a photo, you are a leader. You are someone that someone who you may not know is looking up to. You are the reason someone found the motivation to make a healthy decision. You are a women who empowers. I am so thankful you’ve decided to share that with this community! Your support is noticed and we are so grateful for it! Thank you!
Community Check In #LGTeamKini
To hold yourself accountable, check in with the community on Instagram!
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