
WEEK 4: November 24-30 Meal Plan & Dollar a Day Training Workouts (8 Week Extravaganza)

A one time download – weekly meal plan & 5 days worth of the dollar a day training program workouts.

About the 8 Week Extravaganza: (READ
ME): As the holidays approach, this is the time in which, statistically, we slip and slide, letting go
of our goals and getting off track; then the fitness industry targets us
on January 1 to make a new years resolution and get our bodies back in
shape. Well, I’m here to say, we’re not getting off track; in fact,
we’re beginning an 8 week program to build the happiest, healthiest
version of ourselves by 2014! Don’t you want to look great before not after the holiday parties? Don’t you want to feel
great about yourself while setting new year’s goals instead of setting
them from a place of disappointment? I know I do! Let’s do this

Now, we have just FIVE weeks
until 2014, which means just 5 meal plans and just 5 leg workouts, for
instance, until you’ve built the best version of yourself! I’m here to
give you all the tools you need to set yourself up for this success, and
I will be providing all sorts of fun motivation along the way to keep
you focused! After this week, we are half way through the eight week extravaganza – it’s time to kick it into high gear!

About this week’s meal plan: In my personal opinion, THIS IS THE BEST MEAL PLAN EVER! 3 favorite meals this week: blueberry banana oatmeal smoothie, crockpot chili, and meaty nachos. This is my
meal plan designed to build lean muscle to achieve a fit look while
losing fat; macros are completely adjustable if desired as
all nutrition info is given for each meal!

About this week’s workouts: The week’s
worth of dollar a day training workouts include 1) legs & glutes circuit 2) chest
& triceps  3) Sprinting/Skipping HIIT cardio & abs circuit 4) back & biceps ) 5)
shoulders & glutes This split designed to best build a fit body
by targeting specific muscle groups. All workouts have specified sets,
reps, and weights as well as my personal training tips!

As always, the meal plan
serves as one day full of meals and is repeated for 7 days, which is
not too long to get sick of the food but allows for food to be pre-made
in mass amounts. Typically, I do 5 meals – meals 1, 2, and 4 are more of
a breakfast, lunch and dinner, while meals 3, and 5 are smaller
portioned meals to keep my body fed properly throughout the day.
Additionally, there is an optional post-workout shake/meal that can be
added any time during the day. I did not want to provide specific times
to eat these meals as everyone’s schedule varies; I suggest meal 1
should be consumed within 1 hour of waking and then all other meals
should be spaced 2.5-3.5 hours apart (give or take depending on your
schedule). My meal plan style is SIMPLISTIC; I’ve
found the more ingredients and the longer the prep, the more likely one
is to fall off the plan.
After payment, you will see a link to return to
sellfy to download the meal plan or you can download from a confirmation
email that will be sent to the email linked to your paypal acount. This
downloadable pdf can be printed
or saved to
your mobile device for easy access in the grocery store or gym!

For the combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts):

For just the meal plan:


For just the 5 dollar a day training workouts:


seeing this and don’t know where to begin? Feel free to either jump on
into week 3 or start from week 1 – there’s nothing to be missed; the
choice is yours 🙂

Week 1


Week 3

Also, dollar a day training program downloads will be available on each
day of the week as usual if you’re interested in downloading one at a

*PLEASE NOTE: Following and/or participating in my blog, daily
workouts, meal plans, and any tips or advice is solely your decision. I
recommend checking with your physician prior to following any of the
workouts or meal plans that I share. I am very open in sharing that I am
not a health care professional, personal trainer, nutritionist, or
counselor. I provide the workouts, meals, and tips that have worked for
me based on my personal experiences.
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  1. Matthew @ My Little Eye Surgery

    Many thanks! This post seems to have done the trick!

  2. Anonymous

    What kind of red sause are you referring to? Tomato sauce or hot sauce of some sort?

  3. Beuaty goals

    That's a good deal for people who have a time specific goal.

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