Week 2 Progress Pics
Half way through this fat burning phase already! Not only is this phase about burning fat, but it is through losing the extra pounds that you can reveal the muscle that you spent months building!
Before (lots of muscle hiding under a little layer of fat):
After (losing fat is great, but it is important to know what to look for when assessing the results of your progress; overall muscle definition will become evident, such as in your quads splitting (left), hamstrings dropping (bottom), and overall lines/definition (top)):
Leg Toning & Tightening Tips
I often hear ladies say “I don’t want to get muscular, I just want to tone/tighten.” The only way to actually tone and tighten your muscles is to build and strengthen the muscles, such as through weight training; if you’re not seeing results with your regimen, try increasing the weight. There is no reason to fear muscle, especially on your legs because having muscle there will keep your legs and backside tight and lifted.
The squat should become your staple movement in any leg workout. A simple squat will benefit you best when preformed with a weighted barbell. This standard squat can then be modified into many variations such as a front squat, plie squat, sumo squat, etc. to target particular leg muscles more. The squat is essential because it is a compound movement, meaning that it targets all your leg muscles: quads, hamstrings, and glutes.
The “deciding factor” in how much your legs will appear toned and tightened is your diet. If you stick to a clean diet, and allow for muscle growth through leg exercises, your legs will surely tone and tighten up over time! Your beautiful leg muscles won’t be visible if you have fat lying on top; sticking to a clean diet will help reduce overall body fat. Keep in mind, spot targeting (preforming leg workouts to reduce fat on your legs) is a myth and does not work; your body decides where it stores and burns fat. Typically, women carry a lot of their weight in the hip/thigh area, so sticking to a clean diet and regular workouts will help decrease overall body fat, and eventually burn fat in your legs!
I just wanted to add this picture to prove that muscle doesn’t necessarily equate to bulky legs. I am a size 0 even with all the muscle. One thing I have noticed is that when you develop leg muscles, you will notice the from the front or back (as pictured) your legs appear very “thin.” It is from the side that your quads and hamstrings become more visible and your legs appear “wider” from these side angles. Also, leg muscle is great because muscle in general acts as a metabolic furnace which burns calories continuously through out the day! Good luck in tightening and toning those leg muscles!
Hello! Love your blog. I have posted a comment about reps and sets before and watched you video on youtube. So I have been eating clean since January 2013 and working out 5-6 days a week since the end of January. I still have a layer of fat over my legs and abs that I would like to change. I have good arm definition. I am discouraged because my legs are the one area (specifically the front above my knees- to get the lines you have) that I do not like. As a girl this have been frustrating because I do not feel confident in shorts of dresses. I am a small girl. I am about 5'4" and have always weighed between 105-110 (although I don't often weigh myself). I know you have mentioned macros but I was wondering if you have any suggestions or could inform me on how you determined what you needed for your body? I thought maybe concentrating on macros would help me lose my layer of fat so I can begin to see leg definition as you have. I am a size 0-2 but don't have the definition you have and thus do not like my appearance. I also wondered if I should add in any additional HIIT or Tabata session during the week to see the definition I desire and get rid of body fat. I usually do one day of HIIT. I have either being doing the stairmaster, sprints or I make up my own routines doing various plyometrics such as burpees and jump squats or speed skaters. I am very discouraged as I have been working out diligently and eating right with no cheat meals and have not seen the definition from the fat on my legs diminish. I have seen that a lot of girls much bigger than me shrink down to great definition in the same amount of time so I'm not sure what to change up and feel like I have hit a wall. Sorry for the long comment. I just like to find other girls who have the body I would love to achieve and seem to be the same size as me and set them as my goal. I know everyone is different but you seem to have the same body type as me so I thought you would be great to model my regime after! Your muscle tone is amazing and you look great! Thanks for taking the time to read this and help out!