
Stretching Sequence (ConfidenceKini Challenge) – 5/22

Happy Friday! We’re one day out from our 5K #LGRaceDay
I am ridiculously excited for this race. Even though I’m technically running alone, I seem to have the excitement as if I was running at the Olympics. It’s just a HUGE accomplishment for the LGAccountability Community. Like fricken huge! This was our first ConfidenceKini Challenge and you rocked it! I couldn’t be more proud of you, your dedication, check ins and support to fellow community members, so this race is one last push to celebrate!

Now, today may seem like quite a different
workout for us who typically weight lift, but it is actually just
what we need! There is no other type of stretching, foam rolling or
massage that can relieve my sore muscles and help me regain flexibility
like yoga can.

Here are a few go-to yoga poses I have, and
I’ll even put them in a sequence and repeat for a few minutes. If your
muscles are sore, and you’re looking for a different way to stretch them
out, I highly suggest this simple sequence perfect for beginner and
advanced yogis! I like to hold each pose for a few deep breaths (5-8)
and repeat for as long as it takes to stretch out.



 Upward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog

Runners Lunge (both sides)

Warrior II (both sides)

Reverse Warrior (both sides)

Tree Pose
Take the little bit of extra time today to prep for the race tomorrow! 

#LGRace Day Instructions
-Set a time on Saturday to complete your race…I will be running at 9am CST if you want to start with me!
-If running outside, find an area you can run and with your car, map out 3.1 miles so you know where to start and stop
-Be sure to hydrate before and after the race (as well as during if possible)
-Personally, I suggest enjoying a balanced, portioned breakfast prior to running, but do what works for you
-Go at your own pace; the idea is to complete the distance & improve your own time

Whether your walk, run, sprint the distance or have to take several rests, it doesn’t matter…focus on the finish line 

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  1. Lenzi

    So sad it's over!! Can't wait to see what's next thanks for everything! 🙂

  2. alex d

    So excited to run tomorrow! I signed up to run a 5k in my hometown and this stretching/yoga will be perfect to prepare me! Thanks for all of your hard work and keeping us inspired!

  3. Mary

    I completed my 5k yesterday with my best time ever!

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