-3min walking in place (warm up)
Jumping jacks
Side to side jumps
Toe touches
High knees
Bicycle crunches
Mountain climbers
….repeat an additional 2x-3x
-3 min marching in place (cool down)
Dollar a Day Training: Specified time amounts and reps are included on the downloadable workout version. Because these exercises are pretty self explanatory, I shared my “secret” behind abs in the training tips section!
For the combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts – 1 free workout):
One of the first ab selfies I ever took & one of the first times I ever started seeing abdominal definition – 2 years ago. Funny thing is… I wasn’t doing excess cardio or crunches, instead I was cleaning up my diet!
One of the first ab selfies I ever took & one of the first times I ever started seeing abdominal definition – 2 years ago. Funny thing is… I wasn’t doing excess cardio or crunches, instead I was cleaning up my diet!
Tip of the Day: What lady or lad doesn’t work to achieve abs?! When it comes to abs, I feel as if you either get it or you don’t (coming from someone who once didn’t get it). Someone who “gets it” understands that abs do not come from simply doing ab exercises. Spot targeting is a myth; you cannot pick and choose where to lose fat by preforming just those related exercises, meaning crunches do not equate to belly fat loss. I heard this, but I tried my hardest to bust this myth – FAIL! So how can you get abs?! Eat clean and reduce overall body fat through weight training and cardio to allow those abs to become visible.
Eat Clean to Get Lean: Meal #3 on my weekly meal plan – the Mediterranean chicken salad. I’m always amazed at how a simple salad can provide such different tastes by just switching up the toppings!
QUESTION OF THE DAY: What does your favorite salad consist of?
Trader Joe's salsa verde and avocado! I mix the two together and it makes a "creamy" dressing and the flavor is amazing with zero guilt!
I don't care what's in my salad as long as it's topped with an amazing dressing – my downfall. Condiments. Primarily, fattening ones. Lately though, beets, almonds, goat cheese and avocado. AH!
I love the fact that you are trying to show you don't need countless hours of cardio & crunches to get nice abs.!! Your bod rocks !! Props to the weights girlie !!