Motivation Monday: Each day has the potential to be a positive, great one despite what the world gives you. A powerful way to get your day started on a positive note is through a mantra or affirmation. A mantra or affirmation is a short phrase or sentence that helps remind you of how to focus your energy on the positive and exude the negative. Some people like to come up with one personal mantra that they repeat throughout the day while others prefer to use a plethora of mantras for particular situations. Either way, be sure the mantras you select speak to you and can help shift your thinking!
You may be wondering how this can help you reach your health and fitness goals. The truth is, the majority of healthy living is a mental game…it requires willpower, discipline, and inner strength to consistently choose health food options over junk, to get yourself to the gym each day, and to put in the effort even when you don’t feel as though it’s paying off. If we can better master our mind over the next 5 weeks, we can accomplish what we set out to do! Let’s get our minds right!
Day 2 Challenge: Pick a mantra(s) and post it! You can create a wallpaper for you phone or computer. You can write on post-its and stick them around your home and car. Write them out/Print them/Post them! Then show us your mantra on your check in!
Hi Lauren,
I was what weight amounts you use? I would say i am at an immediate level and just want to get a good idea of what to aim for and make sure the weights I am doing are enough!
I have been following you instagram for quite some time now! I am new to the blogging community and I was skimming through bloglovin when I ran across you blog. Of course, I followed you for more fitperation! YAY.