
Legs & Glutes – 11/17

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Tip of the Day: I think it’s safe to say cold and flu season is upon us; I have a pretty strong immune system, so when I began sneezing this weekend, I knew I had to act fast! I think the key to limiting the duration of any bug is how you handle it, especially in the first day or two! Today, I’m sharing a juice recipe that gave my immune system a kick and had me feeling better in 24 hours! Even if you’re feeling grand, this juice will surely give you a boost of energy; I think I’m going to add it to my regular recipe index!

Juice Recipe:
1 apple
1 lemon (without rind)
1 inch ginger
Apple – apples are just about the only non-citrus fruit that I will juice; if you’re new to juicing and fearful your juice will taste like grass, add an apple for a perfect amount of natural sweetness. Aside from the taste benefits, apples contain many nutrients and phytonutrients, especially in the skin and just under the skin ((so be sure to leave the skin on when you juice)). Also, apples contain high levels of Vitamin C for an immune system boost!
Lemon – lemons are very effecting at combating infections as it contains antibacterial properties and vitamin C to support the body’s defenses; for a sore throat, you may even want to gurgle lemon water or lemon and honey water.
Ginger – ginger can improve the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body. It also helps clear up certain channels in the body, such as the sinuses. 
Cheers to a cold-and-flue-free winter and holiday season thanks to this drink!

I love that some of you called this the “Elsa braid”
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  1. Ashley Redford

    Congratulations Lauren. This is a wonderful site you have put together. I am very inspired and look forward to reading more articles. Keep up the great work!

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