

As you all know, I am releasing an Intermittent Fasting Mini Guide NEXT WEEK and today I want to give you a preview. I like to think of my blog, my plans and everything I share as a toolbox. I try to provide as many tools as I can for you to use to get to your goals. Some tools are more useful for you than others. Yet another woman may find different tools useful. Basically, my goal is to share as much as possible and then empower you to decide which approaches, plans and tips are the best fit for you.

Intermittent fasting aka IF is another tool we can add to our toolbox. It is not a diet. It is not a quick fix. It can be a powerful eating approach for fat loss and a variety of other benefits. My mini guide will provide all the details on it but today, I want to preview it so you can decide if it’s something you’re interested in. 
In short- Intermittent Fasting consists of alternating periods of eating and fasting. I’m not crazy about the term “fasting” because it sounds restrictive and unenjoyable. BUT, for those who follow IF, they find the day-to-do to be anything but restrictive. The funny thing is that we all do some form of IF; we eat during the day and fast during the night when we sleep. However, a bit more focus on when we eat and don’t eat can lead to big benefits.
FAT LOSS: IF an effective fat loss technique because it allows the body to switch from burning sugar/carbs to burning fat for its primary energy source. 

The body actually has a preferred order that it follows when looking for energy: glycogen (the body’s storage form of carbohydrates) are first and fat is last.

When we spend too much time in the eating interval, the body has enough glycogen to serve as energy so it doesn’t look elsewhere, such as to our fat stores. Fasting allows for this shift in which the body turns to our existing fat stores (especially the subcutaneous fat which is the fat directly under the skin) to burn up as fuel.


  • improved cellular functioning
  • reduced inflammation
  • mental clarity + focus
  • increased energy


  • My mini guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Intermittent fasting
  • IF overview
  • Science behind why IF work
  • Detailed breakdown of all the benefits
  • How to combine it with the LG Meal Plan (to ensure you’re not eating too much)
  • Step by step implementation guide (+how you can modify to still see results)
  • Common questions + answers
  • Sample full day of eating

*guide will be released next week
*it is FREE to meal plan members
If you haven’t yet joined the Meal Plan, you can do so HERE. With the meal plan, you receive all nutrition updates like Weekly Meal Menus and Mini Guides (like this one!) for free! Forever!

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