
Beckham's Newborn Family Photos + Thoughts on 2 under 2

Today is Beckham’s 3 month “birthday,” so I figured now is the perfect time to share some family newborn photos. He is definitely the second child considering I am just getting to his newborn pictures. More on that below because life with 2 kids under 2 years old is really as crazy as everyone says. Here are some beautiful photos of us looking as though we have it all together and after that I’ll tell you what life with #2under2 is really like ;):) 

Really though… there is nothing like newborn photos. Babies are little miracles and their itty bitty-ness captures it so well. Just like Leo, Beckham was bright eyed and bushy tailed during his newborn photos; so far I’m 0 for 2 with those adorable, sleepy newborn pictures haha. 
When I was pregnant, I was really worried with how Leo would be as a big brother. This photo shoot was the first time we let him be this close to Beckham for an extended period of time (we had not yet mastered gentle hands lol). Leo blew us away! He kept asking to “hold hold hold baby” “pleaseeee” and was pointing exactly where he wanted him. Leo held, kissed and smiled as Beckham over and over. Our hearts were just exploding. I’ll cherish these photos and the memories behind them forever.
photos by Jennifer Mathews Photography
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Life with 2 Kids Under 2 – is it really crazy.

Short answer… absolutely haha.

Long answer… when Anthony and I decided that we were going to start trying for baby #2, we said, for the first bit, let’s just be “open” to it and not “try try.” For moms who didn’t get pregnant their first attempt… you know what I mean by “try try.”

With Leo, I was tracking, using apps, peeing on ovulation sticks, trying on the perfect days… it’s honestly a lot of work and not easy breezy fun like how they make it out to be in movies. It can be very emotional.

With Beckham, we didn’t know how long it would take to get pregnant, so we decided that when Leo turned 1, we would stop preventing and be open to whatever was part of our plan. I found out I was pregnant days before Leo’s first birthday.

It was not a total surprise but definitely shocking that it happened so quickly! Immediately, we started counting how far apart the kids would be in age… 19 months. I immediately said, “oh my gosh 2 under 2.”

I looked over and Anthony was googling “2 under 2” and the first article that popped up was something like “surviving life with 2 under 2” haha. What were we in for?!

Life with 2 kids under the age of 2 is FULL. Both kids feel like babies. They each need us for pretty much everything: nap time, bed time, meal time, bath time, diapers, getting in the car, getting out of the car, strollers, baby wearing, everything. They both require pretty much constant attention, so it’s nonstop.

I can’t sugarcoat it… 2 under 2 is very challenging mentally. Each day is a mental marathon. Anthony will often joke with me and say, “babe it’s only 10 AM, let’s pace ourselves.”

I think every age gap between kids has their pros and cons. With 2 under 2, I’ve heard it’s very challenging when they’re little but as they grow up and are into the same things as the same time, it’s incredibly rewarding. That’s what I look forward to most… seeing them as brother playing cars or running around the yard. It’s already started in small ways and it’s absolutely heart-melting.

These first few months with Beckham have been incredibly special. Seeing your two children bond is beyond words. On the most difficult days, I go to bed with a full heart and can’t wait to get my boys up in the morning.

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