
Exciting News…

Anthony and I are thrilled to finally share a big secret we’ve been keeping… I AM PREGNANT! We are so so so excited. We wake up every day and can’t stop smiling just thinking about this little babe. It’s truly the greatest blessing we’ve ever experienced! And, we’ve been dying to let you in on this secret for quite some time, so this day is beyond exciting.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed about being a mom. What has really taken me back is how into being a dad Anthony is. He is great with kids and always expressed his excitement for becoming a dad one day, but he is like over the moon, involved in every aspect, and beyond anything I could ever dream up for how a husband would treat his pregnant wife and future child.
I am a few days shy of hitting the 4 month mark. I am so thankful that this has been a very enjoyable and healthy pregnancy. I will definitely be documenting and sharing this part of my life with you all.
As far as all things health and fitness, I’ve done lots of planning and preparation for this, so all of our usual challenges, ebooks and content will stay the same and it will be like business as usual… no one is getting out of any squats or burpees this upcoming year lol. I also have some really exciting surprises (not quite like this surprise though!) coming in the next several weeks for this community!
I’ll end this here because I could fill your entire screen with more updates, but I’ll save those for another day. I just want to say thank you for all the love and support you always show me in every area of my life! I am so grateful for you all!
You can now follow my baby/family/lifestyle journey on my newly created Instagram account @LaurenGleisbergLately (I will eventually think of a more clever name for that) I plan to do big things with this as well;) There’s a little bump progress pic you can see there hehe.

Photos by Jennifer Mathews Photography

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