Cardio (Sprints & Step Through Lunges):
-5min walking (warm up)
-30 min (HIIT)
1min sprint
20 step through lunges (10 each leg)
-5min walking (cool down)
Step through lunges: Start with your right foot planted, step forward with your left foot into a lunge. Push off your left foot, bringing your left leg all the way back into a backwards lunge so that your right foot is forward. Repeat 10 times (1 forward lunge & 1 backwards lunge = 1 rep). Switch sides so your left foot is planted and preform another 10.
*I let the treadmill run at 8.0 and jump off to do my lunges
*There is no designated rest time; at the beginning of this, I allowed my “rest” be the amount of time it took me to end my lunges & get back on the treadmill, but near the end I took 20-30sec rest after my lunges before beginning my sprints – push yourself, but take the rest you need
*Be sure to control the movement of the step through lunges – when you’re tired you may get a little sloppy, but resist that urge & maintain control
TIP OF THE DAY: Why HIIT cardio over a longer cardio session? HIIT cardio stands for high intensity interval training; typically, HIIT training involves bursts of high intensity exercises following by some type of rest whether it be a complete rest or light walking, for instance. After a traditional cardio session, when you hop off that piece of cardio equipment, you are done burning calories. However, after you complete your HIIT training, you will continue burning calories for a while after! Another benefit of HIIT? The shorter time! Instead of spending 40-60 minutes doing cardio, HIIT only requires between 20-30 minutes to achieve the same results!
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