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Workout Download: Want
more out of this workout?! The downloadable workout version includes my
personal training tips and explanations on all the exercises listed + a
meal plan to enhance results! You can read more about this week’s complete plan here
more out of this workout?! The downloadable workout version includes my
personal training tips and explanations on all the exercises listed + a
meal plan to enhance results! You can read more about this week’s complete plan here
Tip of the Day: Why HIIT Cardio? Is 30 minutes really long enough to see results? These questions really sparked after I released the 30×30 Fat Loss Shred ebook as the workouts require just 30 minutes per day. I promise you…you can really see results doing just 30 minutes of exercise ((coming from the health & fitness blogger who isn’t afraid to show you that I eat flaming hot cheetos on occasion hehe – I wouldn’t attempt to fool you)) In fact, the vast majority of my workouts take just 40 minutes! It’s all about efficiency and scientific proof ((as someone with a Bachelor or Science…I’m all about the evidence lol)) In all seriousness, there are a great deal of studies showing that a 30 minute HIIT workout can yield the same benefits if not more than a 60 minute or longer workout!
It’s all in the training technique. HIIT also known as high intensity interval training works off of the premise that there are intense intervals and rest intervals, such as seen in today’s workout. With these intervals, you’ll notice your heart rate soar while working to maximum intensity during the working interval, then you’ll notice your heart rate slow during the rest interval. This rise and decline in heart rate several times over the 30 or so minutes is critical as it creates what is known as an afterburn: the calorie burnage that occurs after the workout is complete. I know…it literally sounds too good to be true, but it’s not! You can literally burn calories after you’re done working out. Have you ever noticed that after a HIIT workout when you get to your car or an hour later, you’re still sweating?! …the afterburn! For this reason, I’m hooked on HIIT 🙂
As I was typing this blog post, I couldn’t help but share this thought… “HIIT will help make us HOTT.” It may be my new tag line, but really, HIIT has helped me gain physical results without spending hours in the gym!
Top & Crops: Lululemon // Shoes: Nike Pegasus
#LGAccountability Daily Challenge: Share your post-workout selfie with the community; they’re not always pretty, but they symbolize strength and hard work! Sport the new hashtag – #LGSweatSeshSelfie as well as
#LGAccountability, your team hashtag, and tag me @laurengleisberg so I
can see them too.
#LGAccountability, your team hashtag, and tag me @laurengleisberg so I
can see them too.
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