
5 Best Home Gym Equipment if You’re On a Budget

One of my top questions I always get on IG is…

“What equipment should I get for my home gym?” “Where do you get your home gym stuff from?”


Do you have these budget friendly items?! Today, I want to help you set up your home gym for SUCCESS!

Here are five things you should look into if you don’t already have them.

As many of you know, I love the gym! I love the vibe, having my pre-workout on my drive to the gym, tossing on my favorite song that week (lately its “buy dirt”), the energy of other people there, etc.

However, with everything going on in the world and just in general, I think it is beneficial to set up a home gym! This does NOT need to be an over the top elaborate home gym though (love keeping things within a budget). I have preached for years that all you really need is a FEW key pieces of equipment to get an amazing workout in right at home!

ALSO, an exciting new project we have worked so hard on is finally coming this month. Hint, it is not fitness related! Follow @laurengleisberglately on IG to learn more!

Dumbbells (15-20lbs)

Dumbbells have got to be the most versatile piece of equipment in my gym. I use them for literally everything! Plus, an added bonus of dumbbells that I have always loved is that they ensure you are working each side of your body evenly.

I get asked a lot about weight selection.

This is a tough question due to everyone being a little bit different strength wise. I suggest picking a weight that you know you can use for multiple things. Whether that’s doing bicep curls, chest press, rows, etc. I find the best weight for me seems to be 15lbs, and this is the case for many ladies I know/see on social.

Remember, you can always build your home gym a bit more and go for another pair, maybe 10, 20’s, 25’s and so on! Lots of ladies have found tremendous success on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and their local sporting goods store. Otherwise, these are an amazing option right below!

Workout Bench (Lightweight)

A solid, moveable and light weight bench is another top choice of home gym equipment due to the variety of things you can use them for. I find myself using a bench that I can move around easily…very often. The possibilities are endless!

Something I learned along the way… pick one that you can move. At first, we had a very expensive/high quality Rogue moveable bench. It was beautiful, served many purposes, and solid like a rock but had its downfalls. The biggest one being… I could barely move the thing lol! It weighed a crazy amount and I would find myself not using it much because I couldn’t adjust it on the fly or move it out of the way for other things.

I highly suggest the bench belwo due to it being sturdy yet light weight and easily to move around! Don’t make the same mistake I did haha! Also, you can use the attachments it comes with for other moves as well. The one linked also included a barbell rack. This is the exact setup I have in my gym!

Bands (The "At Home Cable Machine")

Bands are some of the most under appreciated home gym items. They aren’t fancy or cute but they WORK!

They can be slipped in a doorway or attached to something and used just like a cable machine would. An added bonus is the resistance grows the further they are stretched, so even 1 band has multiple resistance levels.

Not only do they take up practically zero space but also for only a few bucks you can get a solid gym item. It’s a must have in my opinion.

Even though I have a cable machine at my house, I still find myself using bands for tons of things. (glute work, biceps, triceps, shoulders to name a few). Depending on which band you pick they can vary in resistance. I prefer to pick one in the middle so that I can use for many different things.

Cardio Bike

As you know, I am a big believer in getting outside as much as you can for cardio. Going for a jog or walk in the fresh air can be very powerful when trying to “clear your head” or just enjoying the sun on your face!

However, this isn’t always a possibility for many of us. I remember when I was living in Wisconsin, getting outside for cardio wasn’t a legitimate option due to snow, ice, and freezing cold temps. In those situations, I have always thought a good home gym cardio bike is a spectacular option!

Anthony and I started off with the bike linked below. It is a very sturdy and effective bike that can be used for many years without breaking the bank. Sometimes we all get wrapped up in what is the latest and greatest cardio choice but this bike remains one of my favorites! Easy on the joints, screen provides workout details, comfortable cushion, padded handle bars… it has it all. If you are looking for a good stationary bike, or just any home gym cardio piece, I’d give this one a hard look!

A Solid Plan

This one might be the obvious one out of the bunch but it is the most important one.

Get yourself a good fitness plan whether it is one of mine or someone else’s. Follow a plan, stick to it and give it your ALL. I suggest always mixing it up not only to continue to see progress but also for keeping it fun.

A new and exciting fitness plan always helps me shake up my training and keeps me intrigued for what the next workout holds! I will always suggest checking my programs out. Currently, the community is wrapping up my Weight Training Plan Q1 but thousands of you ladies go at your own pace and start/stop when its best for you.

If you are in need of a new plan or just a mix up, below are a few great ones…


30×30 3.0 Plan best for those looking for a complete training switch up. The workouts are intense, sweaty and cardio-based.

Circuit Training Plan – best for those who like weight training but want to switch it up with a circuit approach.

30 Day Home Workout Planideal for those who want high intensity weighted workouts that require just dumbbells, bands and a bench/step.


I remember years ago wanting to build a crazy cool home gym that had it all. Then I quickly realized that these are really all the home gym items I need to get in a GREAT sweaty workout! I would suggest a few other items but really these are the staples I find myself and Anthony using 90% of the time. I hope this helps a bit as I think the trend is continuing… home gyms are here to STAY!


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