
Calendar Challenge – ABSolutely Awesome April 2014

Happy April! I consider myself an advocate of turning health into
happiness. My passion is teaching others to use health and fitness as a
platform for creating a life filled with happiness and confidence. I
hope that my blog provides you the tools necessary to take some of those
steps towards healthy living!

Aside from my daily workouts and meal plans that I post, these
“calendar challenges” are to help you achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle. These challenges are at no cost other than what
it costs to make some simple changes in your life that will add up to
substantial, positive results. I encourage you print out this calendar
and to check off daily challenge you complete.

My goal is that we begin building a community. Social media is a
wonderful forum to empower others, especially towards their health and
fitness goals. I will be taking this first calendar challenge with you
all and will be hashtagging #FBCalendarChallenge on my associated photos
on Instagram and Twitter. I would love for you all to do the same!
Peruse this hashtag to like and comment on others pictures! This may not
only motivate them, but also may promote you reaching your goals as
well! It’s the month of love and what better thing to do all month than
share love with our fit fam!

This month’s fun twist will help us start preparing for bikini season! It’s a progressive abdominal workout plan to aid in your ABSolutely awesome April 🙂
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  1. BoardingTogether

    I am definitely doing this! I am actually posting my first picture with this hashtag on Instagram! Loving the fit life and always trying to progress 🙂

    • Fitness Barbie

      I will be looking for it 🙂

    • BoardingTogether

      Hey girl! I always post a workout or recipes on Wednesday, I'm going to post about this challenge and link it back to you as well 🙂 Take a look when you have some time http://www.boardingtogether.blogspot.com

  2. Anonymous

    Love this idea! By 'rounds' do you mean 'sets'?

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