
Spring 2017 Q+A

Answers to all your recent questions on training, nutrition, skin care, products, pregnancy, relationships and more! After I posted about the #LGBookClub on IG last night, my girlfriend, Sarah texted me saying… “you’re like a girls one stop shop for everything! food, fun, workouts, clothes, products, books, etc.”  That is like my goal! After all, it’s a healthy LIFESTYLE, right?! Yes, let’s talk all things health and fitness, but also make sure we are enjoying life!
I’ve done a lot of Snapchat Q+As in the past (snapchat username is laurengleisberg) but I thought I would do some more regularly on here so they live on forever in case you ever need to refer back to anything. 
Below are answers to some of the most common questions I’ve received lately. I also divided them by category and combined the ones that were repeats.


TOP: HERE ($32! + 4 colors) | JEANS: HERE

Do you take a pre-workout? Which one?
Usually, I do take a pre-workout but not during pregnancy. I have 2 staple supplements: 1) protein powder 2) pre-workout (or really any form of caffeine) and then coming in at an occasional 3rd place is amino acids. 
I have an entire YouTube video dedicated to this topic HERE
I know it’s a little annoying that I don’t like to share a lot of the brands/products I use but the truth is I’m not really into supplements nor do I believe they make that much of a difference. When you’re on a tighter budget (like when I was in college), I didn’t even buy supplements because it’s just not that much of a help. Now, I like a protein powder for convenience when I can’t have a meal. I am more into just a bit of caffeine before a workout for a kick of energy rather than a particular pre-workout, but you could previously find me drinking half of a VPX bang or Pre-Jym (which has an awesome ingredient profile especially according to my husband who is highly knowledgeable in supplementation and has very high standards). FYI – nothing I share on supplement is at all sponsored.
What are your thoughts on digestive enzymes?
This kind of opens up a topic that I’ve gotten really passionate about within the past year… gut health. They say we are only as healthy as NOT the food we eat BUT the food we absorb. That difference has to do with the health of our digestive system. Just think… if you’re eating all these nutrient dense foods but your body isn’t absorbing it, what benefit is there?!
Chronic inflammation caused by a slew of things including eating processed food regularly (and stemming from lots of other things) plays a big part in gut health. So, long story short, I do think digestive enzymes can be particularly helpful for this reason and others. I’m really excited to start sharing a lot more on this as well as many healthy additions like bone broth I’ve added in to help repair my gut and overall health. 
What do you eat on a daily basis? Has it changed during pregnancy?
I’ve done a lot of detailed blog posts with what I eat on a daily basis so I’ll link them HERE and HERE and HERE
As far as how that has changed while being pregnant, I would say there’s a little less structure with meals and more snacking, especially in the 1st trimester. This is something that normally drives me mad. I don’t like to snack. I prefer to have 5 balanced meals per day as that’s when I feel the most energetic, light and lean. However, I allow my body to do what it needs while I’m growing a human, but I will say the 2nd trimester brought back my normal meals (with treats hehe) and in the 3rd trimester now, I’m like always full. 

Do you worry about the number on the scale?
Honestly, not anymore but it took some time. I weigh myself maybe once per month. I have a happy weight range. It’s about a 7 pounds weight range where I feel my best. I love the way I fit into clothing. I feel energized. I look strong yet defined. I’ve stayed within this range for 5+ years. If I find myself on the top of that range, I prioritize nutrition a little bit more; if on the low end, I ensure I’m eating enough and making lifting a priority. 
However, prior to this approach, I actually weighed almost 10 lbs less than that happy weight range. Around that time, I never weighed myself. It took awhile to break up with the scale but I eventually did because I knew I wanted to achieve a look… strong and fit yet defined and feminine. I didn’t care what weight that was on the scale, I jut wanted to look at myself and feel that. So, I ditched the scale. That’s the advice I have for you. A number means nothing like who really cares?! I would rather look and feel good than be some silly number that indicates nothing.
When you’re in a bad mood or feeling self conscious, how do you turn your thoughts around?
My mom always instilled in me the importance of perspective. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed in a situation and lose sight of what’s important. This sounds really silly but my mom taught me this when I was young. I remember crying about something silly as a kid and she’d sit me down and say, “on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the worst), how bad would it be if _____. She would go through different scenarios depending on my age and what applied. For example now: if a parent passed away, if you lost your job, if you got in a fender bender, etc. Obviously the horrific events rate higher on the scale and then all of the sudden your “problem” becomes a 2, which doesn’t seem so bad. 
Another thing that works for me is I let myself be mad or sad or frustrated or whatever. I don’t force the feeling away. Pushing down feelings, for me, makes them come back at later times and stronger. If I let myself feel what I’m feeling, I find it naturally moves through me quicker. Then, I’ll use my mom’s little perspective trick and try to focus on the good or make a plan to change what’s upsetting me. That’s another thing… a plan always helps me feel better! 
How do you keep away cravings? Especially during that time of the month??
The best thing I ever did for my eating habits was let go of the idea of what I thought healthy eating was (strict meals like rice, chicken and broccoli). Instead, I make healthier versions of all my favorite things I make BBQ Chicken Pizza for dinner. I make protein cookies and protein pancakes. I truly feel satisfied because of the healthy alternatives I make on a regular basis. This helps curb a lot of cravings so that they surface just a few times per week.
And when they surface a few times per week, I enjoy. I try to keep the portions in check. I’ll have some chips or a small handful pizza rolls as my carbohydrate with dinner if that’s what I’m craving. Then maybe once per week, I’ll indulge in something like big like Pizza Hut Pizza or a huge bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Bottom line… make meals you like and ones that are healthy, enjoy treats within your portions, and indulge on occasion. Don’t deprive yourself! It’s more mental than anything!
Will there be future LG Meet Ups?
YES! I was in the midst of planning one big LG Meet Up for 2017 when I found out I was pregnant. Being a part of this community means being a part of something bigger than yourself and to meet the ladies that make up this movement of women empowerment is beyond words. I want you all to experience that if you haven’t already, so this is definitely in the works.
What type of pregnancy pillow do you use?
This was my first pregnancy purchase and an impulse by late one night. I ordered THIS one on Amazon and have slept with it every night. As I get bigger, I notice the need for both back and belly support simultaneously, so I’m really happy I went with the “U” shape as there are a few other shaped ones on the market. 
Will you be sharing pregnancy workouts?
Definitely! I will actually be putting together a prenatal and postnatal plan once I’ve experienced this in entirety. This is an experience unlike any other and I’m so glad I decided to go through it before sharing about it because it’s so different than I initially anticipated. One thing I particularly love is that being forced to slow down in the gym has reignited my love of training.
Do you follow any baby blogs?
I don’t follow any baby blogs, but I do watch YouTube videos almost daily on different baby topics. YouTube has been an incredible resource for me as a first time mom because I really enjoy just hearing people’s experiences.
Any tips for preparing to be a first time mom?
There are some things I’ve learned along the way…
1) Ask your mom friends for all the fun advice… what diaper bag is best, is the MamaRoo is worth it, and what the best prenatal yoga class is, but keep the serious questions exclusively for your doctors. 
2) Don’t read the typical “what to expect when you’re expecting books” if you don’t want to know every possible thing that could go wrong. I would ask my doctor, “what are things I need to know” because I didn’t want to hear the rest lol.  Pregnancy requires a lot of faith and trust in the process. It’s not easy and I don’t think those types of books help ease any worries. At least, they didn’t for me.
3) Practice going with the flow. This has been my biggest baby arrival practice. There are so many changes you experience: physically, mentally, emotionally. I practice letting go and just accepting whatever my new, current situation is. I feel like this is really going to help me too once the baby is here. I’ve had to let go of expectations and just take life moment by moment. Not surprisingly, I’ve never felt more peaceful and calm. It’s not how I expected to feel 10 weeks away from my due date!
What are your plans to lose the baby weight?
I plan on giving my body the rest it needs and prioritizing my little love. I am in no rush to “lose the baby weight” or “get back to my pre-baby body.” I’m going to do all I can to establish a healthy breastfeeding routine, which helps your body regain it’s non pregnant state and size. When I’m cleared to workout, I will jump back into my weight training routine with lots of modifications targeted at areas that need extra TLC post baby. More to come on that! I’m oddly excited to be a beginner again and start at a place where I need to work hard to achieve my goals. 
Where did you get the monogram necklace in your snap?
Too funny! I’ve eyed these oversize monogram necklaces forever but the ones I came across were like $400 – no way! I discovered THIS website and they constantly share 30% off codes, so if you’re interested, wait until they offer one of those!
What is your skincare routine?
My skin journey has been so crazy. I was so fortunate to have pretty clear skin in high school and college, but as an adult, it’s gone a little crazy. Can it be this Texas weather?! It started right when I moved here. I never struggled with acne and I was constantly having issues. Pregnancy didn’t make it any easier. Just within the past few weeks, I feel like I’ve turned a corner. Crossing my fingers this lasts after baby!
What works for me is: washing my face in the AM and PM. In the evening, I make sure to watch my face in the shower to allow the steam to open up my pores for a deep clean. I don’t always take my make up off before the gym but if it’s going to be a really sweaty workout (leg or cardio day), I try to use a make up removing wipe prior on my skin. I also think regularly washing make up brushes helps a lot!
How can I get my boyfriend/husband to eat healthier or be more active?
I think the best way to inspire others is to lead by example. Instead of talking about what you feel you have to give up to be healthier, focus on all there is to gain. Be especially cautious to verbalize that size when around anyone you’d like to empower to take the step to live healthier. Still, you can’t push anyone into healthy living. They’ve got to want it for themselves.
I get asked a lot about how Anthony and I live this healthy lifestyle together and the key is that we do it together. We go for walks together on nice days. We try to get to the gym together (although we don’t workout side by side). We grocery shop together, getting excited about new finds. We cook together. We share interesting health information with each other. Find things you can enjoy doing together even if it’s not what you see Anthony and I doing or another healthy couple doing.
When did you and Anthony know each other were the ones?
Does it sound crazy if I say I was in high school when I knew I wanted to marry Anthony lol?! I just saw a quote on Facebook the other day that said something like… “the one” isn’t the person who makes your heart race, the one is the individual who gives you the greatest sense of peace, calm and security. I feel that most with Anthony and have for the past decade!
Is Gleisberg your maiden or married name?
Gleisberg is my maiden name. Lococo is my married name. I just never changed anything on here and to be honest, I still haven’t legally changed my name to Lauren Lococo lol. 
Will you ever move back to Wisconsin?
Never say never, but likely not. Wisconsin will always feel like home and it was such a wonderful place to grow up, but I just don’t know that I could do the never-ending winter anymore. Because we have so many family members there, we continue to go back often. 
Do you have any tips for moving across the country?
I get this question A LOT, so I thought I would briefly share my story. After graduating college, my now husband (then boyfriend) got a job in Texas and I got into dental schools in Texas, so it was the perfect opportunity for us to move. Anthony and I were looking to get out of Wisconsin (mostly just away from the weather) and we were up for an adventure. 
Moving across the country is, by no means, easy. Fortunately, we had each other and my immediately family was in the area (within an hour). This is also when our relationship really grew leaps and bounds because we depended on each other for everything…. something I’ll be forever grateful for!
I would say the most difficult part is living in an area with no friends and very little family. My heart used to break a little bit when I would miss those simply family parties and dinners. It was hard to see my friends hanging out together, knowing I could partake just a few times per year if that. That’s still the difficult part.
But, for me, the most exciting thing was that I was creating my own life. That move was the best thing Anthony and I ever did for ourselves as individuals. Moving away from the place we lived our entire lives allowed us to shed anything we wanted to and start new as who we were that day and who we wanted to be. 
It pushed me outside of my comfort zone… so much! Heck, I started a business and look where it’s lead. I was able to call the shots on who I wanted to surround myself with and those new friendships grew so quickly since these individuals were so in alignment with who I currently was not who I used to be. 
Moving across the country isn’t easy, but if it’s what you feel guided to do, it could be the best thing for you! It was for me!
Alrighty, I hope y’all enjoyed this Q+A and got your questions answered! By the way, in the above photos, I’m sipping on a Strawberry Ginger Lemonade and I’ll share that recipe tomorrow! It’s refreshing and so good for the body!
Photography by Jennifer Mathews Photography

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