

Get to know your LG Sisters better! This week’s spotlight features Amberly who is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. One of the most impactful stepping stones to success in healthy living is having supportive friends to share the journey with. This LG Community is exactly that for you! You’re always welcome to join in.

Amy tagged Amberly as an LG Sister who inspires her. Check back in next Friday to see who Amberly decides to tag! 

lauren ggleisberg's accountability community of lg sisters
LG Sister FAQ: 
Name: Amberly 
IG Handle: @missamberlyann_fitness
Age: 31
Location: West Valley City, Utah
Occupation: Business Analyst 
Hobbies: Camping, fishing, sunbathing, darts, and coloring 


How did you get started with your health and fitness journey?
I got my first gym membership the beginning of 2009. I had no idea what I was doing, so I did a lot of research online. The internet and YouTube videos taught me a little bit about weight training, the basics. I would go to the gym 4-5 days a week, I did cardio mostly and a little bit of weight training. I exercised consistently and counted my macros using My Fitness Pal. I started seeing results, I lost 25 pounds, gained self confidence, and fell in love with exercise. Then in 2012-2013 I stumbled across Lauren’s blog while doing more research on weight training. Ever since then I’ve stuck with Lauren and her work outs/challenges. It’s my favorite style of training!

What about weight training specifically do you love?

It makes me feel strong and confident, and gives me energy. I feel so happy and amazing after a weight training session, like I can take on the world. Hello Endorphin’s!  : )
Do you have a go-to healthy meal for when you’re short on time?
Eggs over easy with spinach and Ezekiel toast is my go-to healthy meal, it only takes a couple minutes to cook. I like protein smoothies and or protein oats as well.

We all crave a balanced, healthy lifestyle. How do you make that work in your life?

I try to eat healthy nutritious foods most of the time and have 1-2 treats each week. I usually eat healthy Monday-Friday and have a couple treats on the weekend. It may be dinner at my parent’s house or Nana’s house, going out for lunch or dinner, or having a couple of drinks with friends. I love cooking and my LG Man says he prefers my home cooked dinners over going out to eat, so that makes it easy for me to plan week night dinners and cook at home.

How has the LG Accountability Community played a role in your success?

The LG Community has been so sweet and inspiring. Every single LG Sister has kind words to say and they are THE best cheerleaders! We all have bad days and good days, and the community is always so supportive and understanding! It’s great to have other girls to reach out to, learn from, and grow with.
If there’s ever a day I don’t feel motivated or feel like working out I’ll scroll through my Instagram and within a few minutes I’m feeling motivated and ready to exercise.

What advice would you share with a fellow LG Sister looking to get healthier and happier?

Be patient and stay consistent. Trust the process and enjoy every step of your journey. If you have a bad day and eat some junk food or skip a work out, don’t beat yourself up for it. Don’t feel guilty about it and don’t punish yourself!
Tomorrow is a new day,

Favorite Quote: Be Confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren’t. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are – and aren’t – that you will truly succeed. 
Favorite Book: I don’t read very often, but I am currently in the middle of Pretty Happy: Healthy Ways to Love your Body by Kate Hudson and I really like it so far
Favorite TV Show: Game of Thrones
Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption or Grand Budapest Hotel
Favorite Vacation Spot: Washington 
Favorite Healthy Food: Eggs over easy with Ezekiel toast
Favorite Treat: Sushi, gummy bears or worms, Stolichnaya vodka with ice and a lemon wedge
Favorite Weekend Activity: Hanging out with my family, especially my sister



There’s always an invitation to dive into this community… receive all the support you need to reach your goals as well as the resources (workouts, meals, motivation, etc.) to do so! 

fitness blogger lauren gleisberg has an accountability community to join

The free LG Sisters Community Handbook contains all our community info!

LG Community Handbook

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